Subject: This Will Kill Your Success 'Before' You Even Start!

I came online back in 2006.

I was trained by a guy named Orsini.

One thing that he taught me (that stood out even after all these years) was to NEVER sponsor shop.

Sponsor shopping is when someone shares their affiliate link with you and you decide to be clever and seek out the top leaders in that particular program (for a short cut).

Orsini told me that he (along with other industry leaders) never join anyone except for the first person who shared their affiliate links with them.

He even told me his sponsor at that time a guy by the name of Don (a System owner) also believed in this rule and never sponsor shopped either.

He also said that affiliate marketing and home business was 'originally' designed for a 'regular' person to get 'extraordinary' results.

And when you sponsor shop for a short cut outside of this system, you create a karmic event for yourself...

You make succeeding 10 X harder for yourself because 'like attracts like'...

You will create a physical experience for yourself where almost everyone you bring into to the system will do the 'same thing' you did...

And that is to sponsor shop for someone outside of 'you'.

Does Orisini's theory hold any water?

One of the Affiliate Programs I promote is called Legendary Marketer.

And the many people shared their affiliate links with me (before I joined).

But I remembered what Orsini said and joined the very 'First' person who shared their affiliate link with me (a guy named Jay Brown).

And I eventually got on the Leaderboards with Legendary Marketer as you can see here in this image with other Super Affiliates:

Even though I found success with that system (and still do), I probably lost a lot of people (who sponsor shopped outside of me) and who [still] haven't found success online.

My story and results online even impacted the founder of Legendary Marketer and he had an hour long interview featuring me here:

Why am I sharing all of this with you?

Moral of the story?

Don't sponsor shop (like the 97%) who fail.

In order for you to succeed online, your results will come down to your ability to become a 'self' reliant Internet Entrepreneur!

To Your Success!

-Rory Singh

Ex Canadian Truck Driver

Ontario, Canada

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