Subject: This Is The ONLY Way To Learn...

Marketing is a Mental Game.

And it's also a physical game.

Yes you reading this right now

are a Spiritual Being having a

'temporary' human experience.

But part of you is physical.

Yes you can bring things to you

using your MIND but only to a point.

Most people online know what to do.

Most people have learned in 'theory'

how to generate traffic, leads and have

some idea how successful sales funnels


But the big problem for you right now

(if you aren't where you want to be yet )

is the practical part of things.

The ONLY way to learn is by DOING.

You can read an email and copy it

and maybe send it out to your list

(if you have learned how to create

your own list) but it didn't come from

your creativity.

So the only way to truly learn this

make money stuff online is by:

1- Have something worth promoting.

It has to have REAL Earning Potential.

If not, you are wasting time.

2- Do! You will have to actually do

the marketing. Make mistakes and

learn what works from what didn't.

It's the only way.

3- Skin. You need to have some

skin in the game. I have found that

most people will try to be clever and

join something at the bare minimum.

If the minimum is $25, they will give

it half ass try to see what happens.

Nothing will happen that way.

$25 (bare minimum) is nothing.

Entrepreneurship takes some

consistency and twenty five bucks

is nothing to lose.

It will NOT keep you focused very long.

You need some skin in the game.

You need to 'invest' into yourself.

And I don't mean to blindly invest

into some anonymously owned

crypto mlm promising you riches

for doing nothing.

There is no growth with a scam.

You will only get scammed.

What I mean is you will need to

invest into a legit system, set up

by real people and something that

has a proven track record.

I don't know you or if you will do

anything at all with this information.

Maybe you will or maybe it doesn't

even make sense to you (yet).

Even learning how to write emails

to your list.

You can never just read some one

else's email and learn that way.

You need to a good system, investment,

skin in the game and then you will have

to do the actual learning (practical part)

by taking action.

Nothing will move until you move.

Yes you may be a beloved son or daughter

of God.

But so is everyone else.

So since you are also a 'physical'

being, are you ready to move forward?

Or will you just read emails?

If your finally ready, you can ==>>start right here.

Rory Singh

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