Subject: They Want To Keep You Small and Compliant...

I don't know if you have been noticing this

but the system is designed to keep you small,

stuck, dependent and compliant.

Do you fall under this bracket?

If it's freedom you want, then I surely hope not.

But it's happening.

Most people:

1- Are solely dependent on their jobs

2- Dependent on big brother

3- Have no income outside of their one income stream (job)

Here are the problems:

1- Cap on your income but no cap on inflation.

2- Big brother doesn't care about you or your familly.

Big bro only cares about lining their pockets off your

sweat and labor.

3- Being solely reliant on a job is still being dependent on

someone or something else.

To me personally, having a job is being responsible and it is

something that you need to have in order to take care of your

'priorities' but it's not 100% independence.

Because if that goes away for any reason, then you will

be dependent on another boss to give you money.

True independence means you become your own boss.

And this doesn't mean to find a ponzi scheme and hope they

'give' you money.

Because those things are just designed to KEEP you on

a hamster wheel.

Then there's the fact that most of those things don't last

very long.

Sure the internet is filled with thousands of them.

People who join them aren't entrepreneurs.

They are gamblers.

And not everyone can become Kenny Rogers.

So what can you do?

Well for starters, you have to honest with yourself.

-Are you a dependent type of person or a person who is 'willing'

to learn how to become independent?

Most people online talk the talk but never walk the walk

so to speak.

Now what does this all have to do with being online?

Well if you are still reading this far, most likely you have

some level of desire to become financially free if you are

found my email list and got on it.

If so, then let's talk about results.

Your results.

-What kind of results do you want?

-Why are you here?

-What's behind that monetary goal of yours?


If you go on the way you are right now, will you achieve

what you are truly after?

I remember when I was new online.

I spent a full year spinning my wheels.

For a full year I wasn't getting any results.

But that all changed when I got a coach.

Coaches and coaching is paramount for your success

but you must also become a willing student.

For me the difference between spinning my wheels and getting

no where real fast to actually making the 'shift' into an Entrepreneur

was when my coach explained to me that I was the opportunity.

So in a nutshell you are the REAL Opportunity.

And you get results by learning how to become a skilled

marketer online.

If you learn the REAL Income producing activities, then

you will never have to become dependent on another job

or online system to give you income.

You will learn how to market and succeed with anything.

But MINDSET is King!

What is going on between our 2 ears on a daily

basis will make the world of difference in our lives.

So are you ready?

Are you ready to make your Breakthrough?

Well here's a system that taught me everything I needed

to learn all under one roof.

It also has a very lucrative pay plan.

But the best part about it is the fact that you will be assigned a

1 on 1 coach that will help you get up and running.

You can learn more here.

-Rory Singh

Ontario, Canada

My Story of Struggle...
From Online Success to Foreclosure
and Bankruptcy to Homelessness to
Getting Assaulted By POLICE and False
Arrest To Successful Affiliate Again:
See my story and interview here

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