Subject: The Average Work Week is Now 60 Hours!😠

Because our world leaders are running the

economy into the ground by overspending and

then inflating our dollars, we have to work more

in order to get by.

A decade ago in Canada and The US, the average

work week used to be 40 hours.

But nowadays our dollars aren't going far enough and

most people have to work and additional 20+ hours per

week just to KEEP living the way they did just a few years


And if things keep on going the way they are going with our

country leaders over spending and then taxing the heck out

of us along with their constant rise in inflation, 5 years from now

people will have to work even more than 60 hours per week.

What will it be in 5 years...80+ hours per week (just to keep up)?

What can you do?

You can create an income producing activity.

And one thing that will always be around is affiliate marketing.

Millions of people have already successfully created side incomes that

are now surpassing their primary income source.

Would an extra $250 to $1,000 per month help you?

Well some folks have achieved 10X and even 20X those amounts.

One thing all the successful ones have in common is they got the training

they needed.

A curriculum so to speak.

If you're not seeing the type of results online that you want but maybe

you have been at this for a while, then there may be something you are

doing wrong.

Watch this quick video to learn more.

-Rory Singh

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