Subject: Some Marketers Are Just Lucky!

Some people are just lucky.

Do you ever feel like that?

Do you believe that?

Hopefully not (if it's Long Term Results you

are after).

Have you ever seen the top 3% marketers

who seem successful with any system they

decide to promote?

It's almost like they have the Midas Touch.

But in reality, it's not luck at all.

It's actually pain.

Yes it was pain that set them free.

Because the ONLY people who will ever succeed

at getting long term results are the people who

are willing to pay their dues.

Can I be frank with you?

Most people are not willing.


Because of this...

Human Beings are driven to 'escape' pain and actively

seek out pleasure.

And this is Entrepreneurialism.

To become an Entrepreneur is no overnight easy peasy success.

So the people who have already succeeded (the top 3%) were

not lucky.

They just realized that the pain of learning success strategies

and real income producing activities outweighed the pain of

not getting their freedom.

So they locked down and pushed themselves into freedom.

So in reality, the top 3% of all marketers online have become

successful by selling to the other 97% who are not willing

to push forward to success.

So let me ask you this...

Are you getting the results you want?

How long have you been at this?

And if you are not yet experiencing the results

online that you may be wanting, if you don't

change anything, where will you be 1, 3 or even

5 years down the road?

If you are okay where you are then I wish you all the best!

But if you are not, then there is a problem.

-Rory Singh

Do you know what kept me going (while I saw others

having success and not me)?

Well it's all outlined in my interview.

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