Subject: Sick and Stuck in Bed, but not worried about...

I'm sick as a dog for the first time in two years.

Can barely breathe without coughing out my lungs.

Low energy.

Not feeling well at all physically so I'm basically just resting, drinking water and taking vitamins waiting for my body to fight this thing and get me well again.

But it's yet another powerful reason for setting up automated cash flow systems online that deliver cash flow and income without our personal participation after we get them going.

I can still post pictures and words on social media.

I can still order leads and traffic and send them to the system.

I can still write this email.

I can still do all this from my phone.

I'm still receiving leads.

My follow up emails and texts are still going out.

People are still watching the presentation.

People are still joining.

People are still buying.

They always do.


1. Simplify

2. Automate 

3. Leverage

Our Daily Method of Operation:

1. Post Daily

2. Tell Others

3. Get Money

Keep it simple.

Simple duplicates for normal, busy people.

Why does this work so well for us?

Because we created SYSTEMS and AUTOMATION to serve our market non stop all day, every day. And the people going through that process "get it" and they want in on this too.

All smart people realize the power in having the ability to setup SYSTEMS that run 24/7 and create cash flow.

It's an asset.

And having access to this system is a power asset to have these days with so much uncertainty in the world.

I set this system up one time.

Then I can use my phone and do simple strategies to get this exact message out to people just like you and me.

That's all you have to do and I can show you how inside.

Go into the system and plug into our new orientation training.

It's all right there for you.

I'll see you inside, as a recover from this crazy flu thing.

-Rory Singh

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