Subject: Momma and Daddy Lied...

Momma and Daddy said...

Go to school, get a good job and then

retire wealthy into your Golden Years.

But due to all the BS that KEEP happening

on this planet, that aint gonna happen for

most people.

Nowadays most people are either going into

debt deeper each day 'just' trying to make ends


And many are getting even deeper into debt

by investing money they don't have yet into

Investment scams.

The SEC aint gonna save you either.

They love the idea of scams leaving people

in a worst place than before they got schemed.


Because it makes the 'people' more reliant on Big

Brother (government).

Well momma and daddy didn't lie.

They were just telling us what they were told.

In truth they just didn't know any better.

So now you have to make your 'own' decisions.

Will you blindly keep searching out for some deal

that will just promise you big $$$ for doing nothing?

Or will you figure this marketing thing out?

-Rory Singh

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