Subject: Merry Christmas and Cheers to A Happy Prosperous New Year!

Christmas is almost among us

here in North America.

This past year has been one

heck of a ride.

From Pandemic to toilet paper hording

to riots to masks to all kinds of BS.

On the surface it seems detrimental.

But below the surface...

Everything has a purpose.

The Universe has been using these

'seeming' tragedies to wake us all

up 'collectively'.

There is always a Silver lining in

every dark cloud.

I am starting to feel the shift in

energy going back to calmness.


I hope all is going well for you.

Have a drink (or two), enjoy some

nice food and enjoy your loved ones

any how you can.

Merry Christmas from my house to yours!

And wishing you a prosperous, healthy and more


A Happy New Year!

Rory Singh

Ontario, Canada.

Jurusalema (a song about reconnecting to God):

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