Subject: Life Responds To Deserve and Not to Need

Life responds to deserve and

not to need. - Jim Rohn

The only lot in life most

people are guaranteed is

the lot they are experiencing...

Roof, shelter and a job to

pay for these things.

Gratitude for what ever lot

you 'already' have in life

is paramount.

These are gifts from your father.

Now if you want 'extra' or betterment

then you will have to work for it.

Last Thursday I got offered $100K

USD signing bonus to market a

new passive crypto deal on my


I turned it down.

This is not the first time this happened.

I have had several sheiks in Dubai

contact me in the past with similar


They all say the same thing...

They tell me that the average

person in the home business arena

is lazy.

They tell me that I should just

harvest as much money as possible

and forget about trying to help new

marketers make money online.

But I know better.

If I market a passive crypto and knowingly

bring the lambs in for the slaughter to get


This is creating Karmic energy for myself.

It will come back to me.

Moral of the story?

Put out to the Universe what you want

to get back.

I market this system because it gives

the affiliates I bring in a chance.

-A chance for success.

-A chance for freedom.

-A chance to make a difference.

If you understand that you will

have to work for your deserve

so to speak, then by all means get started here.

If not, no problem.

There are no 'short cuts' to success.

Everyone has the 'ability' to succeed.

Everyone has it.

But only those ready to act and persevere

will ever get to experience it.

Are you ready? If so, then you can start here.

-Rory Singh

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