Subject: Ka-ching With...No Experience Necessary!


  • I want money and don't want to do anything for it

  • I don't have experience in marketing

  • I am not tech savvy

  • I am not computer smart

  • I don't want to recruit

  • I don't have a list

  • I don't have a following

  • I just want to click and go

Me: You can still do this!

If you can read this email and follow 'simple' directions, then you can

make money with this business.

Some of our members collect payment in BTC and Ethereum.

Some of our members collect payment in dollars and then use

that to convert and invest into crypto.

If you can watch this simple video, you can do this!

No experience?

All the better. We can show you the way!

Do I hear an Amen?

-Rory Singh

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