Subject: Is Your IQ Working Against You?

Is Your IQ working against you?

Most likely it is.

IQ is measured on the ability to

'retain' data.

That's all it is!

And this won't help you online.

Not trying to sound rude.

It's that most likely [if] you are

a new or intermediate marketer

who hasn't gotten too many results

yet (if that's you), then forget about

all the stuff you learned.

Most people on this planet are

too 'clever' for their own good.

I have a video called "How Come

Only Stupid People Make Money Online".

It isn't about insulting successful people.

It's about people who just use what they

have right now (their old computer, their

old smart phone. their old Facebook timeline


But the people trying to be clever and

waiting to get all their ducks in line...

Waiting for the perfect day...

Never really get started.

Sadly the perfect day never comes.

Now if you have been on my list

for a little while now, then you may

have noticed that there are a ton of

regular people making a lot of money.

Have they gotten 'instant' success?


Not any one of them!

They all had to pick a marketing

method for traffic generation and most

likely have been sending traffic to their

affiliate links for 2 or 3 full months before

they started seeing 'consistent' results.

And if you are waiting till after the

New year to get started, then it will

take at least a few months of sending

good traffic to your links.

Does this mean that you should

only stay at the $25 level and play

it safe (assuming you had some interest

in this program)?

Not unless you want to fail before

you even get started.

You need some skin in the game.

If you don't have any skin in the game

then you most likely will not last very


Don't wait until New Years to see

what will happen with the economy


Most likely it will be more BS.

But people will still be joining

systems just like this for the rest

of November right through to

New Years.

I actually had my first $12K day back

in 2007 on December 31st.

If you are thinking of getting in,

then get in soon so you can start

building traffic to your links.

If you wait till January and you take

this serious, then you will have to wait

until March or April to start seeing some

really decent results.

Well here is the story of Kristel.

She never made much online.

But luckily for her she finally rolled

up her sleeves and really started

sending FREE Traffic to her affiliate


And just today it paid off.

She made her first $2K sale:

Some people get mad and jealous

when they see other people posting

screen shots.

Never ever get mad or jealous.

This is value right here.


Because the people posting are not


They are just regular people who are

showing you what's possible for you

if you are serious.

Want to learn more?

Then visit this website to learn more.

-Rory Singh

EX Canadian Truck Driver.

From bankruptcy, foreclosure, homelessness, false arrest and assaulted by officers to successful affiliate.

I built my online empire from the ground up without a bling lifestyle.

My story was so powerful that it caught the attention of a Master Coach, Company Owner and 8 Figure Mentor:

Watch My Story Here

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