Subject: If You Don't Have A List...Wazzup?

First thing first...

I probably have no clue who you are

or exactly how you got on my list.

But I do know that it's a result of me using

a free marketing strategy (that I learned).

A guy on my list (yes this one) says to me

2 weeks ago (after I shared some of our

members results)...

"Big Deal Rory!"

I am not good at recruiting.

And I replied to him...

Me too!

I suck at recruiting (personally).

But there's good news (if you suck too)!

Learn how to drive traffic to a high converting

offer (make some $$$ on the front end and make

some $$$ on the back) and follow up with email


And you will start recruiting without personally recruiting.

It's all explained in this video.

-Rory Singh

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