Subject: Do You Need To Believe It Before You See It?

I have an old video on Facebook

called "How Come Only Stupid People

Make Money Online".

In that video I talk about why

the people who just 'decide' to

take action without waiting for

the perfect day to come get the

best results online.

Successful Marketing can ONLY

be learned by 'experience'.

Most of the people online are

too busy trying to get their ducks

in line...

They will 'dissect' (take apart)

everything in their heads mentally

WITHOUT ever taking 'enough'


This is failing before you even

get started.

The unsuccessful people are

trying to learn marketing in their

heads so to speak.

But the only REAL way to learn

marketing is by taking action and

learning from trial and error.

You will make mistakes but in

these mistakes you will learn

what didn't work and this will

guide you to what does work.

You will also need a coach.

Someone like myself who has been

in this make money game for over

14 years.

I have built my online business

from the ground up WITHOUT

having an exotic bling lifestyle.

I see people trying to 'fake'

their way to success but being

fake is building your business

foundation on the sand.

You don't need to be fake.

All you need to be is a couple

steps ahead of your prospects

to 'attract' the right people to you

who will buy your products and

join your team.

Most people join me in business

WITHOUT ever having to speak

to me in person.

Sales happen 'before' anyone ever

clicks on my links and that is because

I have certainty.

I am certain on my purpose because

I have been through a lot in my life.

I am certain about what I promote

and what system founders I partner

up with (because I know these systems have

great potential for anyone who commits

to their journey and business).

I am certain about my coaching ability

because I even coached an 'Active Duty

US Military Officer' to success while there was

a war going on (without ever having to talk

to her personally since we had a 14 hour

time difference).

But she trusted me and listened to me

and her very first sale was for the sum

of $8500.

I am certain (that if you are willing to be

coached) that I can coach you.

But you must be coachable and trainable.

You must be able to follow my guidance.

And you must be 'willing' to follow through!

If you do decide to join my business, make

sure that you join directly under me ( in order

to get access to my coaching and training).

**Why would you want me to coach you?

Well there really shouldn't be anymore

reasons than I already gave you above

in this email.

But I am a guy who gets FREE Traffic

and conversions 24 / 7 / 365!

Did I mention FREE Traffic?

Enough said.


Now regarding the system...

What I am seeing is NEWBIES making money!

Here's a young guy from India named


Today Bikki crossed over $82,000

in sales for the past two months:

Maybe you don't want to

make as much money as


Or maybe you want to make


This I don't know.

But what I do know is if

you want to get my coaching,

then you need to get started here.

-Rory Singh

EX Canadian Truck Driver

Home Business Development Coach

PS: I am not a one hit wonder.

Some marketers become successful

with certain systems.

Work with me directly here

I get on the Leaderboards eventually

with everything I get fully involved with.

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