Subject: Did Momma And Daddy Lie To Me?

Momma and Daddy told me to:

1- Go to school

2- Get good grades

3- Go to college

4- Get good job

5- Show up to work and be good employee

Lot that info does in the time we are in.

There is no stable j o b nowadays.

That's just a load of BS.

If you have a J O B today, it could be gone

bye bye tomorrow.

All the big corps care about is their bottom dollar

(not yours).

Well momma and daddy didn't lie.

They just didn't know any better!

All they were doing was regurgitating hand me

down info that was handed to them 'blindly'.

If you are tired of all the BS and want to take

your matters into your hands then there may be

a better way out for you.

Click here if you are 'open' to new ideas.

-Rory Singh

Things keep changing and the people who

don't adapt to change become obsolete.

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