Subject: Create Your Own Economy...

I used to be a burnt-out trucker.

Trucking was an awesome career because

It allowed me to do something that I love doing; driving.

And the ability to get paid for it.

All while I helped keep the supply chain full so families can

get the the things we need to survive.

However, (yes there was a problem)...

Aside from the fact that I spent 95% of my time working

(instead of doing the other things I loved), there was 'constant'

changes happening inside the trucking industry.

The problems:

1- Wage Freezes (cost of living keeps going up however

our wages somehow stay the same or get smaller)

2- Competition: They had us (driver against driver) competing

against each other for better loads and work

3- Not enough work (half of the time they kept hiring more

drivers to make their companies run smoother but left most

of us having to share our work load and pay with extra people)

4- The threat of AI (yes ai seems to have dawned it's ugly head looking

to take over as many jobs as it possibly can!

And trucks can surely drive with AI!

Come to think about it, this isn't just a trucking problem.

These problems that I listed above haunting almost

'every' industry (hopefully not yours)!

What can you do about this?

Do what I did...

Create Your OWN Economy!

If you do that, you will never have to be at the whim of an

employer ever again.

-Rory Singh

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