Subject: Bull Market Makes No Guarantees!

The Crypto Market is on fire!

But it's not the first time this happened.

And just because it happens does not guarantee


If it were that easy, then everyone would become Millionaires.

Heck even Billionaires!

But nope, this doesn't usually happen.

Sorry to rain on your parade.

Most people don't prosper because most people are just digging for gold.

And even if we travel back in time to the era of the gold rush...

Most people didn't prosper back then either.

However, the people that did make life changing income were the

ones who 'supplied' all the tools (picks and shovels) to the ones digging

the gold.

So how can you prosper while others are busy virtually digging right now?

By providing them with 'liquidity' where you can earn what we refer to as pool driver rewards.

Little transactions that can add up to a lot over time.

==>>Stay 'in front' of this curve and prosper while others do the digging.

But you may be thinking...

This sounds nice but it also sounds hard.

Look, it's not 🚀rocket science!

✅We've got single moms doing this right now.

✅We've got baby boomers making $$$ right now.

😠We've got bipolar (no not a joke) people doing this right now.

Its' not that complicated but you👉 do need guidance.

-Rory Singh

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