You are paid 60% Commission on each Ticket and Commissions are paid to you instantly via Bitcoin.
PLUS... With each new ticket purchased you get up to 120 Days Free Subscription. This gives you and your team more than enough time to build your teams and earn commissions before renewing your subscriptions.
FREE Subscription BONUSES:
Entry Tickets: Free 60 Days Subscription
Mid Range Tickets: Free 90 Days Subscription
High End Tickets: Free 120 Days Subscription
A TOTALLY NEW CONCEPT & SOLID High Converting Business Model built for Short Term Profits and LONG-TERM GROWTH + PROFITS:
Content [You Are In 100% Control]:
Each member chooses their own value of the content in the Members Backoffice based off the "Products & Features" topics below.
Example 1: Commission Paid
If you chose to value the content at $1,000 and purchased the Bronze: VP Ticket and your referral values the content at $300 and purchases the Yellow: Manager Ticket, you will get paid $120 commission as you valued the content equal to or higher than your referrals ticket purchase. If your referral values the content at the same ticket level as you then you also get paid the commission instantly.
Example 2: Commission Pass Up
If a member decides the content is worth $100 they can purchase the $100 Purple: Supervisor Ticket... but if your referral values the same content at $25,000 and purchases the Platinum: VIP Ticket then it means you just missed out on a $10,000 instant commission from your referral. This $10,000 missed commission will now be passed up to the next member in your upline who also chose to value the content topics at $25,000 and they will be credited with the $10,000 commission instantly.
Commission Structure:
☑️Level 1: 40%
☑️Level 2: 10%
☑️Level 3: 10%
Method of Payment:
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ripple & Doge
All purchases, commissions & prices are in Bitcoin (BTC) in members Backoffice.