Subject: Prepare your questions for Q&A tonight...

Hey Friend,

It's going to be our FIRST webinar together and I'm already getting excited just by looking through the materials I've prepared to share with you on the first part of tonight's webinar session.

And as you may remember, there's going to be a 2nd part of "Inner Circle Critique".

So, if you have an eBook project you'd like me to advise or critique on, then simply provide me with these information and send it my way as a reply to this email:

  • Main question(s): e.g. Did I do my topic selection correctly?
  • Topic selected:
  • Reference eBooks:
  • Any other information I may need to answer your question: e.g. Keywords you're targeting

If not, that's going to be a great chance for you to ask any questions that you may have LIVE. My personal promise is to answer EVERY question that you have, so feel free to ask them. That way, anyone who is watching the webinar can benefit from it too.

Trust me, there's NO better way than getting your questions answered LIVE. I'll even be sharing my screen with you (if you need), so you can 'peek over my shoulders' as I demonstrate what I mean. Sounds great?

"YES, Dominic! But What If I Can't Make It?"

If you have questions, send it over anyway. And once the webinar ends, I'll upload the webinar replays and PDF notes by the end of the week, so you can download and replay/review them as many times as you like. Cool?

And here's a reiteration of the Webinar details in case you've forgotten...

Registration Link: Register Webinar here (If you've not)...

The entire session may take up to 2hr++, in this order:

1. ICS (Inner Circle Strategies) — 45 mins++

2. Q&A — 15 mins++

3. Break — 10 mins

4. ICC (Inner Circle Critique) — Depends on number of submissions

5. Q&A — 15 mins++

Just a tip: On the day of the webinar, be sure to JOIN AHEAD OF TIME to avoid last minute computer problems that will lead to you missing out on any valuable strategies.

Here's a list of what you may need:

  • Undivided attention (Go hide yourself in the room, put on your headset and get ready to learn!)
  • Writing materials to take notes
  • Water (A 5-10 minute break will be given after the first part of the webinar)
  • Stable internet connection

Oh and BTW, you do NOT need a microphone. I will be taking your questions through a chat box.


Dominic Tay
Master Trainer,
Bestseller Income Seminar

Want to connect with me? Like my page here:


