Subject: [Inner Circle] Upcoming webinar on 8 Sep, 7.30pm...

Hey Friend,

Go here to register:

(You can also get full details of the webinar when you visit the URL above)

The entire session may take up to 2hr++, in this order:

1. ICS (Inner Circle Strategies) — 45 mins++

2. Q&A — 15 mins++

3. Break — 10 mins

4. ICC (Inner Circle Critique) — Depends on number of submissions

5. Q&A — 15 mins++

Just a tip: On the day of the webinar, be sure to JOIN AHEAD OF TIME to avoid last minute computer problems that will lead to you missing out on any valuable strategies.

Here's a list of what you may need:

  • Undivided attention (Go hide yourself in the room, put on your headset and get ready to learn!)
  • Writing materials to take notes
  • Water (A 5-10 minute break will be given after the first part of the webinar)
  • Stable internet connection

Oh and BTW, you do NOT need a microphone. I will be taking your questions through a chat box.


Dominic Tay
Master Trainer,
Bestseller Income Seminar

Want to connect with me? Like my page here:


