Subject: [BIIC] A heads up for new Inner Circlers...

Hey Friend,

By now you would have already received my invitation to this Wednesdays' Webinar session. If you have not, check your spam/junk. If it's not there, let me know and I'll forward it to you.

Anyway, I'm sure you can't wait to learn the Advanced Underground Strategy that I'm going to share with you tomorrow evening.

Now before that, I just want to give you a heads up...

To be fair to ALL our fellow "Inner Circlers", you have to keep EVERYTHING I share with you private and confidential. This means you should NEVER share what we cover inside our Inner Circle with anyone else, in any shape or form -- not even by word of mouth -- or with fellow community members who are outside our circle.

This is just like the "Magician's Code" where honorable and serious Magicians from around the world vow to keep their trade secrets a mystery. If any magician is found breaking it, their career will come to an end... and they will be looked down upon no matter where they go.

That is exactly how it will end for anyone who is found sharing the information with anyone outside our Inner Circle... I'm serious. (And BTW in case you're wondering, I do have some systems in place to track that right now)

I am that protective of Inner Circlers and the information I share with all of you for a good reason:

Because I know it works REALLY WELL.

So should any of the fellow community members (outside of our Inner Circle) attempt to sell you the idea of sharing our Inner Circle stuffs with them, just politely tell them, "Dominic say cannot."

If they are really people you should hang out with, they will understand. But if they don't... or if they attempt to emotionally blackmail you (true story -- really happened to some of our fellow Inner Circlers), then just tell them the most you can help is by reviewing their eBook when it's ready, and not by doing something that's wrong.

If they continuously harass you, you can either choose to ignore them, or let me know and I'll set them straight... LOL. ;-)


Dominic Tay
Master Trainer,
Bestseller Income Seminar

Want to connect with me? Like my page here:


