Subject: Register for Inner Circle Coaching for May 17

Hi Friend,

Have you watched our previous Inner Circle webinars?

If not:

  1. Watch the Inner Circle Welcome Video first, before you
  2. Check out the Webinar Replay Videos

As part of the Inner Circle, you now have access to a HUGE list of exciting webinars that will give you the practical strategies and REAL-life case studies... to bring in additional passive income for you... starting from right away.

The feedback I've received after each webinar is PHENOMENAL. So be sure to go through them if you've not.

This month, we're going to focus solely on what you've done so far, to make sure you're moving in the right direction.

Whether you have questions or you'd like me to go through what you've done so far -- or not -- you'll find this session to be tremendously valuable... because you'll get to learn from the mistakes/success during the case studies... which will only shortcut your learning curve even further.

To get the most out of this upcoming webinar, do these:

1. Go here to register:

(You can also get full details like the date and the time of the webinar when you visit the URL above)

2. Send me the following:

  • Your questions/challenges
  • Your eBook URL (if you've already published your eBook)
  • Your description, title/subtitle, etc (if you're in the process of publishing your eBook)
  • Your Topic Selection findings like primary keyword phrase, USP, etc (if you're at topic selection and if you're comfortable with everyone else seeing them)

For easier reference, please copy and paste what you want me to go through into the email itself. Attachments shall only be used as the last resort.

The entire session may take up to 2hrs or more (depending on the number of submissions), in this order:

1. Inner Circle Critique & Coaching — Depends on number of submissions

2. Q&A — 15 mins

3. Summary & conclusion — 10 mins

Just a tip: On the day of the webinar, be sure to JOIN AHEAD OF TIME to avoid last minute computer problems that will lead to you missing out on any valuable sharing.

Here's a list of what you may need:

  • Undivided attention (Go hide yourself in the room, put on your headset and get ready to learn!)
  • Writing materials to take notes
  • Water (Keeping yourself hydrated gives your brain what it needs to focus and remember things)
  • Stable internet connection

Video quality of LIVE internet streaming has always been known to be inconsistent and sometimes poor, even using Google technologies (that's what we're using). But rest assured that the entire session will be recorded, and their recording will be in higher resolution and quality. PLUS! If there are slides used during the session, you will also be receiving instructions to download them after the webinar starts, so you can better follow along.

Oh and BTW, you do NOT need a microphone. I will be taking your questions through a chat box.

Dominic Tay
Master Trainer,
Bestseller Income Seminar

Want to connect with me? Like my page here: