Subject: Re: [BIS] Want success? Watch this... (Link fixed)

UPDATE: Video link FIXED.

Hi Friend,

I just met up with one of the BIS Graduates, Tommy and learned that he has not just made back his investment in my program, but he also has been bringing in thousands of dollars each month after he graduated more than 1 year ago.

Now that's what I call an implementer.

I also asked him on what he thought was crucial to his success besides implementing the strategies, and he mentioned...

Having the right mindset

I can't agree more.

In fact over the years, some of my graduates revealed to me that they were puzzled and disturbed when a group of our graduates -- most of whom didn't even publish their first eBook --  started a WhatsApp group to gather fellow graduates to go to CASE (Consumers Association of Singapore), damage my reputation online and to demand for a refund.

According to CASE, some claimed I did not reply to their emails. Others claimed my techniques didn't work.

But with the amount of emails I reply... and the success stories (and Amazon Bestselling Author graduates) I have created so far... Really?

Of the complainants, there was one who has gotten a positive Return on Investment (ROI) for his first eBook and already making passive income online... but complained just because he wasn't satisfied with his earnings. (What?!)

And the worse part is, CASE do NOT investigate/verify the claims from the complainants to make sure they're true. And they simply put my company in their "Company Alert List" and posted what the complainants said as if it was the truth, misleading other people inside and outside our community to doubt my program.

This is completely unfair and I'm disappointed...

BUT! I've transcended beyond this.

I realized that I can either:

(A) Focus on these people who obviously no longer wants my help... OR

(B) I can focus on those of us who are still committed, and wants my help.

I chose (B).

In fact, I've just recorded a video as a reply to someone who has been misled by what they read online.

It's only for you if you are still committed to seeing success.

(If you're not, just head down to the end of this email and click on the unsubscribe link. I only wish to continue to support those of us are who are still committed and I wish you all the best)

Watch it here:

In the meantime, I'll be sending out an email tomorrow on how you can get more legitimate eBook reviews.


Dominic Tay
Master Trainer,
Bestseller Income Seminar

Want to connect with me? Like my page here:

P.S. If you have also been misled and do not wish to receive any further emails from me, just click on the unsubscribe link below. I wish you all the best.