Subject: [BIS] PRIVATE Coaching Replay for Thai Graduates

Hi Friend,

As a coach, the biggest challenge I face is that a significant portion of the graduates do not update me with their progress.

So, it's impossible for me to know where they are in their Kindle business to support them effectively.

Perhaps they're shy. Perhaps they're worried about their English. Or perhaps they feel guilty for not applying what they learned at the seminar.


Summit Capital and I has decided to take the initiative to reach out to Thai graduates who:

1. Have taken action to publish their eBooks, and;

2. Have questions/challenges they need help to overcome

... and I did a PRIVATE coaching session with them, allowing other Thai graduates to join in and catch the action as I showed everyone EXACTLY the steps to improving their eBooks and sales.

You can watch the replay here:

As you're watching the video, I highly suggest you to take a pen and a paper to take down SERIOUS notes.

From the replay, you'll learn the most common mistakes graduates usually make... and how to avoid them.


Dominic Tay
Master Trainer,
Bestseller Income Seminar

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