Subject: 1 Day Countdown Reminder + Your Bonus Training

Hey All!

We're just under 20 hours away to this webinar, and boy, am I pumped!

You should already have your webinar "join link" from Zoom.Us, which

is the webinar provider I use. It's a really good platform that can even

be viewed on mobile devices although desktop will be the better view.

I'm actually going through all the questions you guys submitted in the 

webinar registration form and finding space in my webinar plan to fit

them in. 

In case anyone didn't get prompted for name, email and a question, 

you could have missed out filling in the Webinar Registration Form.

Here's a short-cut to the registration page. You need this for the link.

Your Bonus Training Videos

Click Here For Bonus Training 1

Click Here For Bonus Training 2

These links will open a new window. If you have problems with that,

right click and paste the link into a new window. 

See you on the webinar!


P.S. This upcoming webinar is catered to people of all levels. If you're

new, you'll get ideas on how to get started better than you would by

figuring things out yourself. If you're experienced, you'll get a few

"Aha"s and understand these ideas and concepts on a higher level.