Subject: The "$10K Challenge" heads up!

Hey ,

Hey I'm literally walking out the door in a sec, 
so I need to make this quick... 

First of all - about the '$10K Challenge' event:

As of right now there are over 12,063 people 
that registered to attend the special event I'm 
doing this Thursday, September 5th...

I know that some of these folks registered but 
will never do anything or even show up or whatever...

As for you, I want to keep you up to date and 
give you heads up on couple of important things:

THING #1: 
Mark the date and set a reminder for yourself 
for this Thursday, September 5th @ 9:00PM EST. 

If you haven't registered yet here's the link again:
Click HERE!

With this many people registered, it's probably 
going to be pretty crazy and I want to make sure 
that you are able to get on the webinar. 

Be ready and stand by the "door" at least 20-30 
minutes early so you can secure your spot. 

Last time we did something similar we had about 
6,000 trying to get on at the same time and we
crashed Adobe servers multiple times. 

Looks like this event is going to be much bigger.

We're about to do something BIG. 

Although we can't guarantee you any specific income,
but last time we did something similar, LOTS of people
made a LOT of money and completely changed
their lives around. 

I'm talking to the tune of $20,000 - $60,000 per month
kind of income. 

Cool stuff!

This time it's going to be even better because of 
the tweaks and adjustments we've made based on 
the first round of participants. 

THING #2: 
Watch your email inbox tomorrow for a special message
from me. 

I will give you some specific things you will need to do 
in order to be accepted into the '$10K Challenge'. 

That is coming tomorrow, so watch your inbox!

In closing, I wanted to also let you know that regardless
if you decide to participate in the '$10K Challenge' or not, 
you will get some of the BEST training you've ever got 
when it comes to making money online - this Thursday

So show up early and be prepared to take notes. 

I will email you the webinar link either tomorrow or 
Thursday morning. 

Again, keep an eye on your inbox over the next couple 
of days.

Looking forward to seeing you Thursday and most 
importantly, getting you to that $10K per month level 
by October 31st, 2013

(again, can't guarantee anything yet, but I'm pretty 
confident ;-)

Talk soon,
Paulo & Vick

P.S. The link again for the $10K Challenge' event
on Thursday the 5th of September 
