Subject: Polish Newsletter on Optics and Photonics – August 2024 – Candela Foundation & PPPTF

August edition of the Polish Newsletter on Optics and Photonics, prepared by the Candela Foundation and the Polish Technological Platform on Photonics.

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Polish Newsletter on Optics and Photonics

edition#33 (August 2024)

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Good morning!

We present you the 33rd edition of PNOP, this time filled with numerous information about new products developed by Polish industry. Moreover we encourage you to reflect on what you like about PNOP and what you would like to change. Soon (in the next edition), we will make available a questionnaire to share your observations - we are keen to know the community opinion on our work.

We invite you to read PNOP and share your feedback,
Candela Foundation
Polish Technological Platform on Photonics

Adam Widomski received  scholarship from the IEEE Photonics Society

Adam Widomski, a PhD student at the University of Warsaw and vicepresident of the Candela Foundation, has been awarded a Graduate Student Scholarship by the IEEE Photonics Society. This is the fourth such scholarship awarded to Polish students since 1999. Congratulations and we wish you success in your future projects!

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plakat Dnia Fotoniki na Wydziale Fizyki UW

Polish photonics for defence

Like in the past PPTF presents Poland's photonics offer for the defence industry at the International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO in Kielce - the third largest defence event in Europe. From 3 to 6 September visit booth E-55 to meet VIGO Photonics, Telesystem-Mesko, Solaris Optics and Semicon.

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Job board

Optoelectronics engineer


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Sales manager

IPG Photonics

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Process engineer (optics/physics)

3Shape Poland

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zdjęcie przedstawicieli podczas konferencji Photonics Day Berlin Brandenburg

Maciej Trusiak recognised as SPIE Senior Member

SPIE has announced new Senior Members - an international award for achievements in optics and photonics. This year, Maciej Trusiak from the Faculty of Mechatronics at the Warsaw University of Technology has joined this group. We sincerely congratulate him on the award and wish him good luck in his future projects!

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zdjęcie z laboratorium przedstawiajace osoby pracujące

Scanway will build new space telescope

A Wrocław-based optical systems manufacturer will build the largest Earth observation telescope in its history, operating in the visible band with a resolution of less than one metre per pixel. The order for a total of two telescopes for the planned constellation of microsatellites will be funded by the European Space Agency. (Photo: Scanway)

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okładka raportu ICTER

Noctiluca: We want to become the OLED hub in Poland

Toruń-based Noctiluca has signed two agreements with foreign partners: with a Taiwanese OLED display manufacturer for industrial testing of its emitters and with printed OLED manufacturer INURU for joint R&D work. The company still plans to list on the main floor of the stock exchange in 2024.

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zdjęcie ekranu komputera na którym wyswietlane sa dane medyczne


In the second week of July, Warsaw hosted an international group of scientists from the borderline of chemistry and physics, who also specialise in light harnessing research. The occasion was the 13th edition of the IMAMPC conference, organised by the Candela Foundation, the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Thank you for four days of intense discussions and inspiring presentations!

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okładka raportu ICTER

Photoelectric spectrometer from the Instytut Fotonowy

Instytut Fotonowy. a Krakow-based manufacturer of specialised measurement equipment, has introduced a photoelectric spectrometer. The device is designed to study the electrical properties of broadband semiconductors under the influence of light. The software enables the automation of measurements and processing of results. (Photo: Instytut Fotonowy)

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zdjęcie ekranu komputera na którym wyswietlane sa dane medyczne

Torun clinic tests NeuroFET

Torun-based Inoko Vision has installed their prototype neuro FreezEyeTracker (NeuroFET) at the Neurosurgery and Neurology clinic of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. This unique device will be used for neurosurgery study planned by the clinic.

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okładka raportu ICTER

Real-time optical monitoring of chemical production

Wrocław-based Gekko Photonics has begun commercialisation of Spectrally, a spectrometer for real-time measurement of chemical composition. The primary area of application is process monitoring and quality control in the chemical industry. (Photo: Gekko Photonics)

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zdjęcie ekranu komputera na którym wyswietlane sa dane medyczne

Optical neural systems for infrastructure buildings

SHM System is a Krakow-based company developing optical structural health monitoring systems. Its experts have recently published an article describing the challenges of designing and testing monolithic optical sensors. We invite interested to read it.

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Research highlights

abstrakcyjna grafika pokazująca model karty sieciowej dla komputerów kwantowych

Perovskite waveguides with edge lasing effect

Integrated photonic circuits operating at room temperature combined with optical nonlinear effects could revolutionise both classical and quantum signal processing. An international team of researchers (with strong representation from Poland) has described the creation of perovskite crystals with predefined shapes that can serve in nonlinear photonics as waveguides, couplers, splitters and modulators.

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Grafika przedstawiająca naukowca w kitlu trzymającego kolby z niebieską i czerwoną cieczą

f-ORG: A new way to study changes in eye function

A team of scientists from the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) has proposed a new method for photoreceptor characterisation, using superfast infrared structural analysis combined with appropriately designed visible light flicker. The introduced extension of the f-ORG technique will enable faster measurement protocols, allowing it to be more rapidly implemented for clinical applications. 

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Logo projekt PhotonHub Europe
zrzut ekrany ze strony PhotonHub Europę

Produce on a pilot line

PhotonHub Europe  is a European support network for entrepreneurs introducing photonic technologies into their products or processes. 38 leading technology centres (including 2 from Poland) offer knowledge, training - and above all the opportunity to test, prototype and develop technologies. Thanks to EU funding, technology services are available to companies on attractive terms. PhotonHub also supports startups. 

Part of PhotonHub's offering includes facilitating European companies to create prototypes or short production runs using existing pilot production lines. The seven pilot lines available for this purpose enable application of a wide range of photonic technologies.

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grafika z symbolem koperty

Do you know something worth sharing in the newsletter?

We are collecting information about optics and photonics community in Poland. The newsletters is created in close collaboration with the local community. If you want to share with us something interesting, newsworthy – please contact us by sending an mail to

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