Subject: Polish Newsletter on Optics and Photonics – April 2022 – Candela & PPTF

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Logo Polskiej Platformy Technologicznej Fotoniki

Polish Newsletter on

Optics and Photonics

edition #5 (April 2022)

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Good morning!

Welcome to the April edition of PNOP!
We are pleased to present, among others, the Polish representation of the optics and photonics community at the Laser World of Photonics trade fair and invite you to participate in the OPTO conference organised in July by Warsaw student chapters.

Enjoy your reading and let us know your feedback!

Candela Foundation

Polish Technological Platform on Photonics

Logo European Research Council

Polish photonics on  Laser World of Photonics 2022

Next week the LASER World of PHOTONICS trade fair is taking place in Munich. On stand-alone stands and within the Polish pavilion organised by PPTF with the support of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) will be present: ChipCraft, Ensemble3, Fluence, Łukasiewicz - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, Perspectiva Solutions, Warsaw University of Technology, Solaris Optics, Top-GaN, VIGO Photonics and VIGO Ventures. 

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Wizualizacja szkła kwantowego

OPTO2022: Warsaw – 18-21 lipca

Candela Foundation, together with the Warsaw student chapters, invite you to this year's edition of the OPTO conference. The OPTO Conference is the world's largest and oldest student conference series bringing together students, scientists and industry representatives related to optics and photonics. We invite you to register for the event and support this unique programme. 

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Job openings

Laser equipment designer


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Łukasiewicz – IMiF

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SDS Optics

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IPO of Noctiluca

Noctiluca S.A. from Toruń, a producer of a new generation of emitters for OLED displays developing cooperation with global market leaders, on April 12 debuted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange on the NewConnect market

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Zdjęcie teleskopu optycznego od firmy Scanway

New network of 3D scanning centres

SMARTTECH 3D, a Polish manufacturer of high-resolution colour 3D scanners and winner of the gold medal at STOM-CONTROL 2022, is making it easier to access the use of its technology by creating a network of SMARTTECH3D Scanning Centres.

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Zdjęcie Grzegorz Sobonia

Polish photonics at 3D Printing Days

During the recent 3D Printing Days, held as part of the Industrial Spring trade fair in Kielce, domestic companies presented interesting in-house solutions: a demonstrator of a 3D printer for glass optical elements (Sygnis), photo-curable resins with nano-additives (Photo4Chem) and new industrial SLS printers (Sinterit)

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Student internships in VIGO

The global market leader in uncooled photon infrared detectors from Ożarów Mazowiecki has announced recruitment for this year's student internships.

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Do you have something interesting to share?

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Research publication highlights

Okładka czasopisma Nature z opisaną poniżej publikacją

Neuromorphic Binarized Polariton Networks

Nano Letters

R. Mirek, A. Opala, P. Comaron, M. Furman, M. Król, K. Tyszka, B. Seredyński, D. Ballarini, D. Sanvitto, T. C. H. Liew, W. Pacuski, J. Suffczyński, J. Szczytko, M. Matuszewski, and B. Piętka

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Okładka czasopisma The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters z wyróżnioną publikajca opisaną ponizej

A Millimeter-Scale Snail Robot Based on a Light-Powered Liquid Crystal Elastomer Continuous Actuator

Macromolecular Rapid Communications

M. Rogóż, K. Dradrach, C. Xuan and P. Wasylczyk

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Logo projekt PhotonHub Europe

PhotonHub Europe

PhotonHub Europe (PHE) is a pan-European support network for entrepreneurs and public institutions interested in developing and upgrading their businesses with photonics technologies. It offers free knowledge and training, the possibility to experiment, test and develop technologies, business support, funding support and a wide network of contacts - services that are available to all entities in the EU, with a special focus on SMEs. The PPTF is PHE's Polish partner as a national photonics hub.

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Zdjęcie obiektywu mikroskopowego

Find funding – Investment Support

Every technological solution requires funding - at the research, testing or implementation stage. Part of those costs can be covered by PhotonHub Europe within its own Technology Support projects.

Finding direct funding for a photonic innovation developer is also possible. PhotonHub Europe provides individual advice, information and networking with investors from all over Europe. PhotonHub offers training as well to prepare for talks with investors - you can sign up for the training  by clicking on the button below. 

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grafika z symbolem koperty

Do you know something worth sharing in the newsletter?

We are collecting information about optics and photonics community in Poland. The newsletters is created in close collaboration with the local community. If you want to share with us something interesting, newsworthy – please contact us by sending an mail to 

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