Subject: Friend, Watch out for this!

Hey Friend,

If you did the "Between Men And 
Women" Couple's Retreat, 
within the last year I would have
cautioned you about some of the
common psychological cognitive
biases that affect all of us human
beings, whether we realize it or not.

Today I want to share yet
another cognitive bias with you
that I've not mentioned in the past.

Like the others, it's so hidden
from your view that if you're not
careful it's presence can creep
in and cause a HUGE wedge
between you and your partner.

The psychological cognitive bias
I'm writing about this time is known
as the "Fundamental Attribution Error"
or the "Negative Attribution Error".

Here's how it works....


Would you like to give your
friends/family an opportunity
to learn more about the
"Between Men and Women"
Couple's Communication Retreat?

Do they live in the Calgary

If so ... they're invited to a
special "No Charge"
educational event that
I'm hosting called:

"Discover the SIMPLE
Method To Better
Communication So That
You and Your Spouse Feel
Your Best and Truly
Enjoy Each Other"

Date: Tuesday, Feb 5th
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Place: Lymph Balance Centre
          Unit 707, 12100 Macleod Tr.
Cost: No Charge
There will be a door prize draw!

Click this link for more info
and to register.

To Your Greatness!

Donna Tosky
"Queen of Connection"
Couple's Love Coach

To Your Greatness!

Couple's Love Coach
403 455 9351

Inner Sync Systems Inc, 2322 Woodview Dr. SW, T2W4X6, Calgary, Canada
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.