Subject: Best reminders, just for you Friend!

Hi Friend,

Whether you just did a couple's
retreat with me this past weekend
or if you participated way back 
in the beginning almost 15 years
ago, we can ALL use reminders.

There was a lot that was discussed
over the two days of the retreat but
the biggest thing that will help you as
you move forward is: 

Keep practicing a positive/constructive
energetic exchange that acts
as fuel for one another and for
you two as a unit.

Remember the "Sacred Circuit" and 
practice it!

Understand, honor and practice this
because ...

 ... If you don't have this type of an
exchange going on, you will either
have a hostile (negative) exchange
or there will be NO exchange 
(you'll simply be ignoring one another).

Both of those options ... "negative
exchange or no exchange" will kill
your connection and your marriage.

Here's what I really want you to hear
in this email ...

It's not ONLY the negative stuff that
kills us ...

It's the lack of highlighting the
positive stuff that also leaves our
marriage/relationship vulnerable
and at risk.

I remember clearly what one participant
said in his retreat years ago ... "This is
all fine and good but it's much more
than positive thinking" and he was 
absolutely right .... 

... you have to DO something positive/
constructive, if you are struggling AND
you have to DO something positive/
constructive even if you aren't
struggling... (this is where the Sacred
Circuit counts for so much).

In fact, research shows that in the area
of marriage, those couples that make it
to the Deep Connection stage ... (the
stage that comes after the Disillusionment/
Conflict stage, where 80% of all couples
are stuck)...

... make a POINT of "taking positive action".

This is one of the big reasons WHY those
couples make it to the safe, secure stage.

They take the action that gets them there...
....every single day.

So ... referring to something I talk about
in the retreat these days ... to make it
work, you have to honor the "Parieto
Principle" (or 80/20 Rule) of marriage.

It looks like this:

1) There are a small number of things
that have to be stopped because they
simply sabotage us and our marriage in 
a BIG way ... (criticism, living in the past,
judgment, blame and assuming the
worst about our partner) 


2) There are a small number of things 
that should be included and honored
simply because they work to promote
and sustain our connection in a BIG 
way ... (be present, listen for what your
partner wants & needs from you).

***remember ... a woman wants to know 
she will get her man's attention, is 
cherished, safe and that her man will
"move" for her ....

***remember... a man wants to know 
he is valued, appreciated and respected
for what he does and brings to the
marriage/relationship and that she
believes in him) 

These days in the retreat I speak about
the 4 characteristics that researchers
have shown that when present, signal
that divorce is inevitable,  IF there is no

The 4 characteristics in a marriage/
long term relationship that signal
divorce is coming are:

1) criticism
2) contempt
3) defensive
4) stonewalling
So...what can you do to help
yourself and your partner?

1) Practicing being present, grounded
and "in your body" when you have a 
conversation with your partner.

2) Stop taking everything your 
partner says personally and just
listen for their "feeling experience" 
and listen for what they want. 

3) Learn about ways to calm your
reactive "lizard" brain so that you
can truly show up to listen.

4) Have you considered meditating
on a regular basis? Mindfulness
has been proven to help us be
present in our day to day

5) Be willing to find and consider
your part when there is a breakdown
in your communication/relationship ...

 ... that is ... 

do you have anything to do with
any of it?

... and when you see your part,
be willing to acknowledge it and 
share that with your spouse.

Could your part be something as 
simple as you, over reacting to what
your partner has been trying to tell 

6) Look for points of approval and
appreciation and verbally share
those with one another.

Don't skip over or make light of
the "good" stuff ... in fact ...make
big deal about anything good
you can find.  Go get the good!

7) Soften up and pay attention to
the quality of your "tone" every 
single time you open your mouth to
speak to your partner ... 

... I repeat ... every single time!

Be willing to watch yourself ...
... like a HAWK!

Before you open your mouth...
ask yourself this. "what is my tone?".

8) Honor your word and your
promises... do what you said 
you would do.

9) Be careful that you don't
spend all of your energy trying
to "fix" the past.  Rather, begin to
practice that which is positive...
...THEN when you have some 
wind under your sails you can go
back and take a look at what you
think may have happened and here's
how to do that:

Step 1 Acknowledge the facts about
           what happened
Step 2 Find and acknowledge your part
Step 3 Apologize for your part
Step 4 Ask your partner... is there
           anything I can do to help
           make you feel safe and secure 
           NOW moving forward? 

Okay ... well THAT was a mouthful
and a  l-o-n-g email.

Just so you know, Jason and I are
holding a 'No Charge" information 
session in Calgary on April 8th from
7pm - 9pm and if you are in the Calgary
area, we'd love for you to invite your
friends and family and why don't you
come and join us for a "refresher",
if you'd like to come down ... we'd 
LOVE to have you.

Remember ... eight out of ten couples
are struggling with their communication/
relationship and I bet you know lots of
people that could benefit from the evening.
It's time we started talking about this and
begin to help one another. 

Feel free to share this link with your 
friends and family and they can register
join us on April 8th where we will
share some of the distinctions that you
yourself learned in the retreat. 

Take care and I will talk to you soon.

To Your Greatness!

Donna Tosky
"Queen Of Connection", Couple's
Love Coach
403 455-9351

Inner Sync Systems Inc, 2322 Woodview Dr. SW, T2W4X6, Calgary, Canada
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