Hi Friend,
It just occurred to me...
We've always done the "Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Retreat in-person, so it's really unlikely that anyone would register the day before the retreat, if for no other reason than the logistics of arranging travel, babysitting, etc. on short notice. So we usually don't ask.
But guess what!?!
Since we're offering the retreat via livestream this weekend, it's possible that you might be able to make it work since you can join us from the comfort and safety of your own livingroom. All you need is a computer and a reliable Internet connection.
If you've been thinking of experiencing the retreat, join us this weekend to discover... - What makes men and women tick...You'll see a whole other side of your partner (and yourself) that you didn't fully understand before.
- The power you have as a couple when you each drop into, and allow each other to experience, who you really are.
- What men and women reallywant.
- Why many women have an ongoing underlying anger, and how to transform it.
- The key chemical and hormonal factors that deeply impact how men and women are in the world and with each other.
- Why nurturing a woman's desire (i.e., what she wants) is one of the most important things a man can do.
- How to have a man gladly give her what she wants so you both feel great!
- Understand why men jump to "fixing" everything, and why listening is sometimes the best fix of all.
- How to listen to a woman...you'll understand what she wants in a conversation with a man.
- What to do when you see critical elements of your relationship differently.
- Practical communication tools that help you avoid or minimise arguments and stay connected.
- And So Much More!
After the weekend... - You will have more peace of mind.
- You'll finally feel heard and understood.
- You will feel connected.
- You will have access to having your best friend back.
It's not too late to register.
Simply call 403-455-9351 or reply to this email. We'll finalise your registration and email you the link you can use tomorrow to join us online.
If you want a refresher on what the workshop is about, click here for all the details...
Enjoy your evening!
To Your Greatness! Donna