Subject: Is Your Marriage In Trouble?

Hi Friend,

There is a real good
reason why you struggle
as a couple.

I'm going to tell it all
in a free online workshop
I'm leading this Saturday
morning, Oct. 19 at 11am
titled ...

"How Your 'Couple Type
Communication Dynamic'
Is Wrecking Your Marriage
and What To Do Before
It's Too Late"'s free and you're invited!

Whatever result you two
have ... the result is not
your biggest problem ...

...even if you've been
dealing with infidelity.

There are one of 3
basic communication
templates or dynamics
that you could have
dropped into that is
getting in your way now.

* The "hostile" dynamic
where you go into a
conversation innocently
enough and before you
know it, you're fighting.

OR you may not even be
able to talk anymore ..
resentment has a life of
it's own and there are
topics you have to stay
away from.

You and/or your partner
are not happy and you
wonder if you should
even be together. 

* The "avoidant" dynamic
when one of you talks ...
... either your partner
shuts down OR you both
shut down.

Difficult or meaningful
conversations don't
happen and you
might be feeling lonely
and fed up with living
like roommates.

You know you want more
from your marriage and

* The "friendly avoidant"

You get along well and
don't seem to have any
conflict, or much anyway.

But ... you're not connected
and the attraction and
spark between you is
missing. You live under
the same roof as friends
but not much more than

Join me tomorrow... Saturday
Oct.19th, 11am - 12:30pm

I'll explain the 3 main
"Couple Type Communication
Dynamics" and what you can
do to break free to get the
fun, ease and connection
you want from your marriage.

Also ... you will:

*Discover the 5 big myths
that will hold you back when
you try to make your marriage

* Learn the number
one reason for your
communication breakdown.

*Exactly why it's less
personal than you think..
...and more.

Hope you join me for
my free online workshop:

"How Your 'Couple Type
Communication Dynamic'
Is Wrecking Your Marriage
and What To Do Before
It's Too Late"

Can't wait to see you there and
if you can't be there then register
to enjoy the replay.

To Your Greatness!

Donna Tosky,
Couple's Communication &
Relationship Expert
403 455-9351

Inner Sync Systems Inc, 2322 Woodview Dr. SW, T2W4X6, Calgary, Canada
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