Subject: Your well being matters more than you realize!

HI Friend,

I had an interesting conversation with a client the other day. 

Let’s call him Bob. 

I’ve been working with Bob for several months. He is the CEO 
of a large company in Alberta.

Bob told me he'd be sending one of his executives to me for

Let’s call the executive Tony. 

Bob said Tony's position in his company has been an important
one, but that lately he's been making a lot of mistakes that are
completely out of character for him. 

It reached the point where the "Powers That Be" were 
considering firing Tony.

When Bob spoke with Tony to express his concerns, it came
out that Tony’s marriage has been on the rocks.  

It turns out that his wife says she's miserable and "she needs

Tony hasn’t been able to focus and his job-performance is 
plummeting as a result.

And what makes Tony extra vulnerable is that Tony wasn’t
even consciously aware that his marriage was affecting
his career to the extent it was until he spoke with Bob. 

That’s when Bob contacted me to say that he would be
sending Tony my way for coaching.

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this sort of scenario.

A few years ago, the top regional sales rep for a large
well known company was at the “Between Men and Women” 
in person retreat.

He told me on the side that his performance dropped
so dramatically as a result of his marital issues, that
the president of the company "called him to the carpet"
to find out what was happening.

A similar incident came to my attention several years
ago, though this one had a tragic outcome. 

You likely heard about it ... it made the national news 
because the accident was SO bizarre and unexpected. 

A lineman was working on a job outside of Calgary. 
forget the details, but the man was killed in one of the 
freakiest workplace accidents recorded.

We later found out from another client of mine that the 
fellow who was killed was going through a brutal divorce
at the time.

The point is that what goes on in your marriage/relationship 
has impacts that go well-beyond your home. 

As if there isn’t enough these days affecting your work
and finances – COVID-19, lagging oil prices and stalled 
pipelines – you don’t need to add relationship issues to that

While you can’t do anything about COVID-19 or global oil
prices, you can do something about your communication
and relationship. 

That is very much within your control.

And what’s more, it’s not as difficult as some may think.

In order to get a big breakthrough, you don’t need to dig 
up past issues, or even talk about current issues that are
going on between you and you partner.

There’s no uncomfortable (weird) exercises you need to do.

You don’t need to change who you are.

A lot of what's missing for couples that are struggling is
a clearer understanding of who this person is that you are 
spending your life with.

I don’t mean who they are in terms of their interests,
hobbies, family history, etc.. 

What I mean is, at a deeper level, who are they as a man
or a woman?

Men and women are different. 

Science is recognizing those differences more and more 
each year. There may be a LOT of different relationship 
advice out there, BUT there is only a small amount that
you need to focus on to get life-changing results.

That’s what we give you in the “Between Men and
Women” Online Couples Communication Workshop
that’s happening again on August 29 -30. 

We cut through the reams of information and get right
to what really makes a difference.

Relevant information like:

What makes men and women tick and how fundamental
differences in communication easily will cause breakdown.

What do men and women want in life and from each
other and how knowing this can work in everyone's 

What motivates men and women and what holds
them back from connecting with one another?

What do men and women need to excel and how
can they bring the best out in one another?

What are the exact physiological and neurological
differences that determine how they behave, how
they react, and what they focus on and how 
knowing all of that can make each of you more
compassionate, understanding and patient with
one another.


For over 15 years, these understandings have been 
transforming, and saving, hundreds of relationships.

That’s what we want for you - the relationship you
know is possible and that you know you deserve.

Remember, the quality of your relationship affects far
more than how you feel at home.

It affects your well-being. It affects your career. It 
affects how you feel about yourself, your partner and
even about other people.

Consider joining us on August 29-30 for the next
“Between Men and Women” Online Couples 
Communication Workshop.

Don’t wait any longer to have the peace of mind,safety
and hope that a strong and connected relationship 

To register online, simply click on this link:

Register For "Online BMW Couples Communication Workshop"

To get full details about what the workshop offers and 
how it works click here: 

"Between Men And Women" Couples Communication Success 

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you want
to get clear on if the workshop is right for you, feel free 
to call me at 403-455-9351 or email:

AND REMEMBER…with the opening up of the economy,
we will be gradually returning to the pre-COVID price for 
the workshop. 

The August workshop will be your last opportunity to
attend for just $397 plus tax.

That’s 12 hours of content for the price of 2 sessions of 

Starting in September, the price will be $497 plus tax,
so don’t delay and we hope to see you in a few weeks!

To Your Greatness,


Inner Sync Systems Inc, 2322 Woodview Dr. SW, T2W4X6, Calgary, Canada
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