Subject: (yum!) Zucchini-Carrot-Protein Muscle-Building Quiche Recipe...

Got another great receipe from my friend and phyisque
competitor Elena Georgiana here...and it's a cool one!



Zucchini-Carrot-Protein Muscle-Building Quiche

Yield: 7 quiches
Calories: 109

Zucchini-Carrot-Protein Muscle-Building Quiche

I created this recipe specifically for the new version of Nick's
"Muscle Explosion" program, my favorite muscle-building training
program! I've done 4 rounds of this program.

This time, however, I was one of the lucky selected participants
who were testing the upgraded version before Nick releases it
in the middle of April.

[Note from Nick - the official launch date is April 15th!]

Week #1 of Muscle Explosion is a calorie-depletion week...and it's
also the week with all the nutrient-rotation and isolation days...the
week when we set our bodies up for the extreme growth of the following
week of training.

I came up with this unique recipe during the final isolation days and
restrictions of low-carb week. I guess I felt hungry and thought...enough
is's time to grow some muscles here.

If you've ever tried this program before, you know what I'm talking
about, but if you've never done it, and if you're an advanced trainer,
ready for a challenge, you should check it out - it's definitely
one of a kind! You will either love it or hate it - there is no third option :)..

This is a green-pea flour (gluten-free)** base protein-packed quiche.
I had never used this flour before, but I came across it in health-food
store, and decided to try it; and I totally loved it. However, if you can't
find it, use quinoa flour instead (it just won't be green as the one on
the picture).

This quiche contains all 3 micro-nutrients needed to maximize the
muscle-building effect. I hope you will enjoy this dish, and please let
us know how you liked it!


1 shredded organic carrot
2 shredded zucchinis
1 onion sautéed in organic virgin coconut oil (optional step) *
1 cup egg-whites
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda mixed with 1 tbsp. of vinegar
1 tbsp. whole flax seed (I used golden, but any would work)
½ cup green pea flour ( I used Red Bob's Mill brand). (Note: if you
can't find it, you could use quinoa flour)
1 scoop of unflavoured protein powder
1 heaping tsp. psyllium husk
Sea salt, black pepper, chilli flakes, and parsley


* Sautéed onion is optional. Don't worry if this is too much work for
you. However, it adds a flavourful touch to this dish. As much as
I actually dislike handling the onions, I used it in this dish (I used
Vidalia sweet variety, as it doesn't make me cry : ). If you choose
to use the onion, make sure you reserve a table spoon of sautéed
for garnishing on top of your quiche, just as it shown on the main picture.

- Mix all 11 ingredients together in a mixing bowl and let it sit a
bit till psyllium husk expends and sucks in some moisture (about
5-10 min or so)

Zucchini-Carrot-Protein Muscle-Building Quiche

- I used 6.5" non-stick frying pan and made full pan quiche; however,
if you prefer smaller one, you could do so. I just like to make a few big
ones and get over with. Also you could make one super-huge if you
bake it in the oven using baking dish; it will also saves you time and effort

- Melt a bit of organic virgin coconut oil on a frying pan (medium-low
heat) and spread the mixture evenly all over the pan

- With a big spoon spread the quiche dough evenly over the pan. I
make mine approximately ¼ inch think; also keep in mind they will rise.

- Cover the pan with a lid and cook on low-med until the bottom side
is golden-brown (approximately 3-4 min)

- With a flexible spatula flip your quiche over, cover with the lid, and
cook till the other side is done and golden-brown (approximately 3-4 min)

Once your mini quiches are ready, you can top
them with whatever you like:

- drizzle with olive oil or macadamia nut oil (I used macadamia on mine)
- natural Greek yogurt
- sautéed onion, as you could see on the main picture above;
- shredded cheese, as you could see on the picture above;
- mushed avocado
- or anything else you might like

I made 7 quiches with these ingredients. I will be brining 2 of these quiches
to work for lunch and warm them up in a toaster (I don't use microwave):
one I will have with macadamia nut oil sautéed onions and one with cheese.

Zucchini-Carrot-Protein Muscle-Building Quiche

This protein-packed muscle-building dish is a perfect pre-workout meal,
and I'm planning to have it for a couple of days for lunch before workouts
(2 hours prior however). However, I'm sure two 6.5" quiches won't be
too much for you Muscle Explosion BIG GUYS, so you could have

They're only about 109 calories (keep in mind that toppings are extra
calories, and they always tend to pack more calories than the dish itself).


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.

Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass
Mad Scientist Muscle
Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt Now!
The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of
