Subject: [video] New shoulder exercise solves problems you didn't even know you had...

So I just posted a really effective shoulder exercise setup to my
YouTube channel a few minutes ago and wanted to share it with

And as I mentioned, this actually solves a couple of problems
that you may not have even realized you had with the shoulder

The first is not enough freedom of movement in your
shoulder pressing exercises (i.e. when you press with barbells
and machines), which can lead to shoulder issues because you're
joints are too "locked in" to the movement.

The second is TOO MUCH freedom of movement in your
shoulder pressing (i.e. when you press with dumbells). I've
actually found this can lead to a tendency for the triceps to take
over the movement too much.

There is a happy medium between allowing the shoulders to
find their own path of movement (via dumbells) and giving
them something solid to work against (via barbells and

This exercise setup is that happy does require a
rack and, ideally, two barbells (though you can definitely make
do with one in a pinch).

Click here to watch the quick 3-minute video now...

And I would definitely encourage you to subscribe to my channel
while you're there...I post a lot of cool stuff on there...currently
more than 200 videos just like this one!

Shoulder Exercise


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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