Subject: (expires today)...Science-based training and eating to make your stubborn fat GONE...

I just wanted to give you a quick heads-up that TODAY is the last chance you'll be able to pick up Bruce Krahn's Trouble Spot Nutrition program for just 15 BUCKS (dirt cheap).

If you have stubborn pockets of fat that you just can't seem to get rid of, this is a program you're going to want to pick up (currently 85% off the regular price, which will be expiring tonight at midnight).

This is a science-based program that shows you how to use food and training to manipulate your hormones so that you can access that stubborn fat and get rid of it once and for all.

Belly handles...back fat...saddle bags...pooch name can make it GONE.

This is a picture of Bruce at age 45...and he got into this kind of shape using the exact training techniques and nutritional strategies he shares with you in his program.

When you pick up the main program, you're also going to get the following bonuses ($318 real-world value):

Bonus #1 - The Trouble Spot Estrogen Balancing Meal Plan- perfect if you have a pear shape body and store fat predominantly in the areas surrounding your hips.

Bonus #2 – The Trouble Spot Thyroid Balancing Meal Plan – perfect if you are a woman with a thyroid hormone imbalance or have a "box" shape body and thick waist.

Bonus #3 – The Trouble Spot Testosterone Balancing Meal Plan- ideal for men suffering from low testosterone levels, muscle loss and increased body fat- especially around the chest and mid section.

Bonus #4 – The Trouble Spot Activation Workout- perfect for stimulating adrenaline hormone release activating your stubborn fat beta receptors.


The price is ridiculously low for everything you I mentioned above, just 15 BUCKS and you get the main program and those 4 bonuses.

This program is extremely effective for getting rid of stubborn fat, is based on legit science and is definitely worth every penny and more, especially at this sale price...

This price does expires at midnight tonight, so if you're interested, go check it out now (and just fyi, you'll get a full 60-day guarantee on the program...2 months to test it out and make sure it works otherwise, your money back).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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