Subject: DO NOT take this popular sleep makes things worse...
DO NOT take this popular sleep makes things worse...
March 31st, 2021 at 6:41 am EDTIf you have trouble sleeping, one of the first things you might reach for is actually the WORST thing you could be taking. It's melatonin. Dr. Richard Wurtman, the first guy to ever bottle up melatonin in a science lab, says... ...
Dirty Dozen Squat Workout...17 minute nightmare fuel...
March 30th, 2021 at 3:44 pm EDTIf you're reading this and I didn't scare you away...that's good... This one is going to challenge you... it's a simple workout structure done using a basic exercise...and it's BRUTAL. It's a killer time-efficient fat-loss workout th ...
Take CONTROL of your health with at-home lab tests...(this is cool)
March 29th, 2021 at 12:50 pm EDTFor can skip the doctors office and take control of your own health testing and screening and do it on your own timeframe. The company is called Let's Get Checked and they have at-home testing kits where you take your own samples, ...
Crank up your lockout deadlift strength...rack pulls without a rack...
March 28th, 2021 at 5:57 pm EDTThere are two major sticking points in the deadlift...a few inches off the floor and coming up to the full lockout position. We're going to focus on the lockout with this technique. This method utilizes full-range reps of heavy trap b ...
You'll never take regular Vitamin C again after reading this...
March 28th, 2021 at 9:40 am EDTRegular vitamin C has been research-proven to give you the benefits below...however, there is another unique form of Vitmain C that will work even better because of #1... 1. It stays in your bloodstream for HOURS instead of minutes ...
This $10 supplement beat a $10,000 surgery...
March 27th, 2021 at 11:01 am EDTI wasted 10,000 dollars on a stupid surgery the doctors kept telling me I needed if I ever wanted to run again and it didn't work.. I looked at him, leaning back in my chair. Yep, I agree. I said. I know doctors are doing the best ...
These 2 new exercises DESTROYED my biceps...
March 26th, 2021 at 6:04 pm EDTIronically enough, I wasn't even trying to come up with a new bicep workout and ended up with soreness I haven't experienced in years. The two exercises are a massive stretch exercise and an amazing peak contraction exercise. 1. Swing ...
Do you stress eat? This can help...
March 26th, 2021 at 11:17 am EDTWhen it comes to dieting, stress-eating is one of the toughest things to combat... After all, not only is dieting itself stressful, it seems like the moment you decide to commit to a diet and exercise plan, THAT is when everything decides to ...
Stop stress-eating dead in it's tracks...
March 25th, 2021 at 10:38 am EDTWhen it comes to dieting, stress-eating is one of the toughest things to combat... After all, not only is dieting itself stressful, it seems like the moment you decide to commit to a diet and exercise plan, THAT is when everything decides to ...
18 minute, total-body fat-loss workout...(with an evil twist)
March 24th, 2021 at 11:04 am EDTThis workout covers every major muscle group in your body with a special emphasis on the core (you'll see...insert evil laugh here). All you're going to need for this workout is a few simple pieces of equipment (like dumbbells, a barbell, and ...