Subject: My 5 top tricks to boost your testosterone...(easy stuff to do)
My 5 top tricks to boost your testosterone...(easy stuff to do)
January 31st, 2016 at 6:48 pm ESTWe both know that testosterone is a CRITICAL component for building muscle... Without high enough T levels, you're going to be struggling to put on even an ounce of muscle. ...
The REAL secret to "getting abs"...(it's the opposite of what you might think)
January 30th, 2016 at 5:06 pm ESTThis sounds strange to say, but one of the biggest secrets to getting abs is that you should NOT focus on doing a lot of direct ab training. Some is necessary for full development, and you SHOULD do some ...
Abs are NOT made in the kitchen...(here's the truth)...
January 29th, 2016 at 5:05 pm ESTThat saying abs are made in the kitchen is completely wrong. The truth is that abs are REVEALED in the kitchen. You can diet down to nothing...yet if you don' ...
Jan 28th - Band "Position Spotted" Front Squats
January 28th, 2016 at 8:57 pm ESTToday's Powerful Training Secrets update... Band "Position Spotted" Front Squats Posted January 28th, 2016 If you have issues maintaining proper body position during Front Squats, this is a technique you'll want to try. You'll use a band to force th ...
The "MAGIC" fix for your weak Front Squat...(seriously, this is awesome)
January 28th, 2016 at 7:31 pm ESTThe Front Squat is one of the most effective yet most underused exercises that you'll hardly EVER see anybody doing in the gym. Why? Because it's hard, it's humbling and it takes a lot of work to build up. ...
The "magic" fix for your weak Front Squat...(seriously, this is awesome)
January 28th, 2016 at 7:29 pm ESTThe Front Squat is one of the most effective yet most underused exercises that you'll hardly EVER see anybody doing in the gym. Why? Because it's hard, it' ...
Want to be stronger at 55 than you were at 35?
January 27th, 2016 at 3:30 pm ESTHow much is it worth to be 45 years old and feel like be 65 and feel like 45...or 55 and feel like 35?... slow the aging process of your body so effectively you can add 20 years to your expected ...
Jan 26th - Pushdown Push-Up In-Set Superset for Triceps
January 26th, 2016 at 5:28 pm ESTToday's Powerful Training Secrets update... Pushdown Push-Up In-Set Superset for Triceps Posted January 26th, 2016 You'll be hitting your triceps with continous tension through the ENTIRE set with this combination exercise, along with targeting the ...
My "secret" exercise for a STRONG upper back...
January 26th, 2016 at 5:19 pm ESTThis is a cool targets your upper back with a muscle contraction similar to a row while allowing you to load your upper back with FAR more weight than you could likely ever do with a row. This has ...
My "secret" exercise for a THICK upper back...
January 26th, 2016 at 5:15 pm ESTThis is a cool targets your upper back with a muscle contraction similar to a row while allowing you to load your upper back with FAR more weight than you could likely ever do with a row. This ha ...