Subject: Sept 30th - A Simple Trick for Better Lateral Raises

Sept 30th - A Simple Trick for Better Lateral Raises

September 30th, 2015 at 2:59 pm EST

Untitled Document Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... A Simple Trick for Better Lateral Raises Posted September 30th, 2015 This very small adjustment to form will make a HUGE difference in the effectiveness of your Lateral Raises for ta ...

Super-simple WEIRD lateral-raise trick for wider shoulders...

September 30th, 2015 at 2:42 pm EST

Want wider-looking shoulders? Then you need Lateral Raises to develop the side head of the delts. The problem is many people find their traps have a tendency to take over the movement every time they do a raise, shortchanging th ...

Try this BIZARRE little lateral-raise trick for wider shoulders...

September 30th, 2015 at 2:39 pm EST

Want wider-looking shoulders? Then you need Lateral Raises to develop the side head of the delts. The problem is many people find their traps have a tendency to take over the movement every time they do a raise, shortch ...

DELICIOUS (and healthy!) Oriental Beef Stir Fry recipe

September 29th, 2015 at 2:45 pm EST

I think this is a recipe even I could make... :) This is a sample from Anabolic Cooking ...a recipe book (on sale for 50% off this week) filled with HEALTHY and DELICIOUS bodybuilding recipes. ...

The #1 secret to making bodybuilding food taste GREAT...

September 28th, 2015 at 3:59 pm EST

Now, first off, I'll tell you right up front...I pretty seriously suck at cooking. problem. Boiling potatoes or it. Cooking from bet. Going to Chipotle for dinner when I can't think of anyth ...

Last call for your 5 free fitness gifts...

September 28th, 2015 at 4:53 am EST

Quick thing...the 5 free fitness, fat-loss and training gifts I've talked about the last few days will be available for TODAY only, then the page is getting pulled. Some really cool stuff for you here...lots of excellent free ...

Sept 27th - Descending Press Circuit - Total Body Fat Loss Workout

September 27th, 2015 at 6:47 pm EST

Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... Descending Press Circuit - Total Body Fat-Loss Workout Posted September 27th, 2015 Hit every single major muscle group in your body (with a special focus on pressing) in this fat-loss circuit workout. Fun ...

SHRED your back and chest with a superset of In-Set Supersets...(for real)

September 27th, 2015 at 1:18 pm EST

This is a very cool's essentially FOUR exercises done as ONE extended set, hitting your back and chest with high-tension the whole way through. I find this one to be more effective for fat-loss style training th ...

BLAST your back and chest with a superset of In-Set Supersets...(for real)

September 27th, 2015 at 1:16 pm EST

This is a very cool's essentially FOUR exercises done as ONE extended set, hitting your back and chest with high-tension the whole way through. I find this one to be more effective for fat-loss style training th ...

5 free fat-loss and muscle-building reports for you...

September 26th, 2015 at 9:12 am EST

Got some great free training reports for you here, from myself and 4 other fitness pros. First, you can pick up my own Classified Arm Training report...(similar idea to the Intensity Technique report I sent you the other day). ...

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