Subject: Eat your carbs "WRONG" for BEST fat-loss results...
Eat your carbs "WRONG" for BEST fat-loss results...
August 31st, 2015 at 7:46 pm EDTThe timing of your carb intake is the real nutritional key to fat-loss. In my experience, it really IS that simple (assuming you've got a caloric deficit, of course...that's a given). I've been a big fan of lo ...
Meet the guy who TOTALLY changed how I eat...
August 31st, 2015 at 2:21 pm EDTSo yesterday, I introduced you to a dietary concept that turns normal dietary practices completely upside down. This is the Half Day Diet created by Nate Miyaki. And, as I mentioned, this is awesome and it's EX ...
Interview with "Half Day Diet" creator Nate Miyaki
August 30th, 2015 at 3:45 pm EDTSo yesterday, I introduced you to a dietary concept that turns normal dietary practices completely upside down. This is the Half Day Diet created by Nate Miyaki. And, as I mentioned, this is awesome and it's EX ...
30% off sale on Blue Star supplements ends tonight
August 30th, 2015 at 2:39 pm EDTJust wanted to give you a quick heads-up that Blue Star Nutraceuticals is having a 30% off sale on ALL their products...which ends tonight. Use coupon code FALL30 at checkout to get your discount. I use their s ...
The "A-HA" moment that TOTALLY changed how I eat...
August 29th, 2015 at 2:28 pm EDTI've been at this training thing a long time (25+ years). And one of the most frequent questions I get is how do you eat? Well, a few years back, I came across a method of eating that dramatically changed my a ...
How I eat to stay lean and strong...
August 29th, 2015 at 12:08 am EDTI've been at this training thing a long time (25+ years). And one of the most frequent questions I get is how do you eat? Well, a few years back, I came across a method of eating that dramatically changed my a ...
Want a few drinks without gaining fat? Simple 3-step strategy
August 28th, 2015 at 8:20 pm EDTDefinitely something to read before you go out tonight...some great advice from my friend Nate Miyaki on how to have a few drinks without gaining excess fat. Check out the 3 strategies here... Enjoy! ...
Bigger biceps? Try this exercise...
August 28th, 2015 at 2:13 pm EDTThis is a very simple, very effective bicep exercise (that you don't have to do in the squat rack, just so you know up front ;). All you need for it is a barbell and it works GREAT. You'll be doing a variation of the barbell curl, with the freedom of ...
Want bigger biceps? Try this one...
August 28th, 2015 at 2:11 pm EDTThis is a very simple, very effective bicep exercise (that you don't have to do in the squat rack, just so you know up front ;). All you need for it is a barbell and it works GREAT. You'll be doing a variation ...
How YOU can win an "unfair" fight against a bigger opponent...
August 27th, 2015 at 6:41 pm EDTNow, first off, I fully realize this a LOT different than the fitness and training stuff I normally send you, so if this kind of thing makes you uncomfortable, I apologize and I TRULY hope you never find yourself in a situation where you would actua ...