Subject: In the spirit of New Years...Yoga vs Alcohol...[funniest thing you'll see all year]

In the spirit of New Years...Yoga vs Alcohol...[funniest thing you'll see all year]

December 31st, 2012 at 11:48 am EST

First off, I want to wish you a very Happy New Year! In closing out 2012, I want to thank you for being a part of what I do...which is bring a measure of creative insanity to an otherwise dry and dull fitness world ;). I couldn't do what I do ...

The ONLY Resolution That Pays YOU

December 30th, 2012 at 7:33 am EST

Now ordinarily, I'm not a big fan of New Years Resolutions...I always make a resolution not to make any and I always seem to both keep it and break it at the same time (mindbender :). THIS year, however, is different. I want you get paid for ...

Dec 29th - Positions of Flexion 1 and 1/4 Rep Training for Back

December 29th, 2012 at 1:11 pm EST

Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... Positions of Flexion 1 and 1/4 Rep Training for Back Posted December 29th, 2012 This POF variation hits your back from all angles, targeting the mid-range, stretch and peak contraction aspects of the musc ...

Fix Your Squat:...the SIMPLEST way to learn how to squat properly...

December 27th, 2012 at 11:49 am EST

So this exercise is a bit of a departure from my normal insanity's a very cool exercise that my wife, Kelly, actually showed me. The moment she showed me what she was doing, I saw the great potential in it as a teaching/learning tool for ...

Re: Mad Scientist Muscle...A quick favor to ask

December 27th, 2012 at 9:57 am EST

Dec 26th - Reverse Band One Shoulder Barbell Squats For KILLER Core Support Training

December 26th, 2012 at 1:25 pm EST

Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... Reverse Band One Shoulder Barbell Squats Posted December 26th, 2012For hitting your core in a heavy support fashion, this one of THE best methods for doing it. You'll be using a reverse band style on the on ...

Got back pain? Then this book is an absolute MUST READ...[and it's free]...

December 26th, 2012 at 11:26 am EST

If you suffer from any type of back, neck or sciatic pain - or have a friend or loved one who does, then this is a gift you're going to really get a lot out of.... it's a book from my friend and colleague, Jesse Cannone called The 7-Day Back Pain Cur ...

Dec 24th - Incline Barbell Bench Press on a Decline Bench

December 24th, 2012 at 3:27 pm EST

Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... Incline Barbell Bench Press Using a Decline Bench Posted December 24th, 2012This very simple change in setup can dramatically improve how you perform the incline barbell bench press. You'll just need a dec ...

Christmas gift for you - my "Classified Muscle Training: Abs" report...

December 24th, 2012 at 9:36 am EST

So this is totally spur of the moment but I wanted to show my appreciation to you for your continued support and loyalty! I wouldn't be able to do what I do without you and your support really does mean the world to me! I want to give you a co ...

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