Subject: "could dent a car door if he walked into it wrong."

He said (and I'm not making this up...his words, not mine :)... "I had one guy, 50 years old, use this stuff and tell me after a few days he would wake up in the morning and feel like he could dent a car door if he walked into it wrong."

I'll let you figure out exactly what he meant by that.

I should probably give you a little context here, too...

A few years back, a friend of mine, Logan Christopher (who runs an online herbal supplement business, Lost Empire Herbs), gave me some of this stuff to was an herbal testosterone booster called Pine Pollen.

This is the stuff the guy above was talking about.

Logan and I were at a fitness conference at the time.

He was sitting beside me and, of course, waited until the room was really quiet and I was drinking from a bottle of water to tell me what that guy had said.

...knowing exactly what my reaction would be...

I just about choked on my water from laughing so hard.

(Luckily, it was a small conference and I knew pretty much everybody in the room so I told him to tell them what he told me...he did and most of the room lost it, too :).


So yep, if you're interested in improving your testosterone levels , this is a product I would HIGHLY recommend.

There is nothing but active ingredient in the formula so you're getting only what works and no filler.

I've tried this stuff and I can tell you, because of having no fillers, the taste is pretty awful....but DO NOT let that stop you from giving it an honest try.

This stuff WORKS.


Now here's where it gets interesting...he wants to make you an offer you can't refuse.

Logan let me know that his company, Lost Empire Herbs, has set up a deal where you can get a full-szied bag of this Pine Pollen for just ONE PENNY. Just cover a small shipping fee and it's yours.


Now...this is not a sneaky subscription offer that you can't cancel.

Nor is it a tiny trial size that's not even worth the price of shipping.

This is the exact same FULL size product they sell from their website every single day.

And they're offering it at a loss just so that you can try it and experience the benefits yourself...the idea being that you love it so much that you keep on buying it, of course!

Get your One Penny Pine Pollen here...and watch out for your car doors.

This is really a no-lose deal.

Even better, you can get a SECOND bag of this stuff for another penny at checkout, if you want (for a second shipping fee...still totally worth it).

If you're over 40 and you feel like you need a boost, you owe it to yourself to give this stuff a try, especially with such crazy good deal.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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