Subject: [article] Study reveals working out too MUCH ages you faster

Did you know that exercising too hard for more than
90 minutes a week can cause you to age faster?

Neither did I, until I read this article from the editor-in-chief of
one of the nation's largest fitness magazines, Steve Holman (just fyi,
he's the editor of Ironman Magazine, which I'm actually writing a
blog for these days) and his wife, Becky.

>>> Study reveals working out too MUCH ages you faster

Steve and Becky ALSO share their 90-minute "miracle plan" with you.

( Just read the entire article and you'll see what I mean. )

The system they perfected over the past 20 years is one of the
coolest ways I've EVER seen to get in and out of the gym (or home
workout) in just 90 minutes a week (not a day, a WEEK), while
you shed fat and build muscle FASTER.

This is the "less=more" principle in action… and it WORKS.

>>> Study reveals working out too MUCH ages you faster ----- Sculpt your body in 90 minutes A WEEK

Enjoy the article, and have a good weekend!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. You absolutely MUST SEE Steve and Becky. They are both in their
50s and look amazing. Becky shed over 30 lbs and reshaped her body
in her 40s, and Steve has the body any 20-something would kill for.

Check it out here:

>>> Study reveals working out too MUCH ages you faster

P.P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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