Subject: You're breathing WRONG...why that's bad and how to fix it

Breathing is one THE most often overlooked pieces of the puzzle
when it comes to weight training...and it can have a tremendous
impact on the results you get from your training!

Here's the thing that a lot of people don't know about breathing...
different exercises require different breathing strategies.

Yep, how you breathe in a heavy squat is not even close to how
you should breathe while doing a pulldown.

Learn how to breathe properly here...

I know it's not the most glamorous of topics, but if you get this
right, it can have a MAJOR impact on your strength AND
your muscle development.

Get it wrong, and at best, you'll just not be able to properly
activate certain worst, you could actually seriously
injure yourself.

Fix your breathing here...


One last thing before I sign off...TODAY is the last day to get your
copy of Metabolic Cooking.

This book contains 250+ great fat-loss recipes that can
help you get lean without sacrificing taste.

And I'll be straight up with are not my thing. It's
incredibly rare that I'll actually ever follow one.

That being said, I have actually tried a few of these from the
book and they turned out really good. Tasty and easy to make,
even for a talentless cook like me, so I know somebody even with
some basic skills would do great with them :).

Get your copy here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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