Subject: Your unbalanced to fix one side bigger than the other!

Everybody's got them. Sometimes you
notice them, sometimes you don't.

But there is nothing strange about having the muscle on
one side smaller or less developed than the other!

(ok, hopefully, your difference isn't THIS big!!)

It can happen for a variety of reasons, including genetics,
reduced circulation or innervation (which is basically the
amount of nerves going to the muscle) to the smaller
muscle, previous injuries, or even small anatomical

If you've got a significant size or strength difference
between sides, this information is for you. The following
techniques will help you to even out those lagging
bodyparts once and for all!

These techniques can be incorporated into your regular
workouts very easily, allowing you to quickly bring up
those smaller, less-developed bodyparts.

Several of the techniques work by increasing training
volume, some work by increasing resistance, while
others work by targeting the specific physiological
causes of the difference (circulation and innervation).

1. "One and Two and One" Reps

This is a dumbell technique that increases the training
volume for the smaller muscle. For this technique, you'll
use the same dumbells in both hands.

Start with one rep with the one arm of the smaller part.
For example, if you're doing curls, do one dumbell curl
with your left arm. Now do a single rep with BOTH
arms (right and left) at the same time. Immediately
do another rep with the smaller arm again.

Your smaller bodypart will end up getting 50% more
work than the larger side.

2. "One and Two and One" Sets

This approach is very similar to the rep technique
explained above. This time, however, you will do one
set of an exercise for just that single side, rest, then
do a set that works both sides.

Then you'll go back and do a set with just the smaller
side again. This will also increase the "smaller-side"
workload by about 50%.

This approach utilizes dumbells rather than barbells in
order to allow for single-limb movements.

This "staggered set" approach is more effective for
leg exercises than the "staggered rep" technique
explained above simply because it's tough to find an
exercise that you can do the "rep" technique effectively

For legs, you will follow the exact same routine, doing
a single-leg set, then a double-leg set, then a single
leg set.

3. Uneven Weights

To do this technique, hold a dumbell that is somewhat
heavier in the hand of your weaker side. This can be a
5 to 10 pound or more difference, depending on the

Do your set as you normally would but stop completely
when your weak side can't continue.

This technique increases the resistance on the weaker
side, helping to bring it up to the level of the stronger

Stopping the exercise when the weak side is fatigued
ensures that the strong side does not get stimulated
as much. This allows the weaker side to more easily
catch up.

4. Use Dumbells For ALL Your Exercises

Dumbells force each side of the body to take full
responsibility for their part in the movement. When
using machines or barbells, the strong side can have
a tendency to take over the movement and assist the
weak side, limiting its development.

Simply switching to completely dumbell-based training
for a period of time can help bring up the lagging part
quickly without even having to use these special

5. Targeted Negatives

Finish each bodypart workout with a single set of
negative training for the weak side limb.

For example, if your left bicep is weaker, when you've
finished your regular bicep workout, do one set of
negative-only training for the left bicep.

One of my favorite ways to do negative training for
biceps is using the Preacher Bench. The bench allows
you to stabilize your upper arm more effectively than if
you are standing.

Sit in the bench and hold a heavy dumbell in one hand
(the weight should just a little higher than your 1 rep
max). Now use your other arm to help with the "up"
phase of the movement.

Once you're at the top, start to lower the weight down.
FIGHT gravity all the way down - don't just try and slow
the weight down...actively try and lift it up while gravity
is forcing it down. This is the most effective way to
execute negative training.

Have your free hand ready to slow the dumbell to keep
it from slamming your arm down if you lose strength.

This technique will help to build strength in the target
muscle, helping to address the innervation issues that
may be causing the lagging development.

6. Targeted High-Rep Training

Start each bodypart workout with one light, high-rep set
for the weak side muscle. For example, for a smaller or
weaker right tricep, start each tricep workout with one
set of high-rep single-arm pushdowns. High-rep in
this case means 50+ reps.

This very high rep set will help to increase circulation
to the target muscle, improving its ability to gain mass.
This increase in circulation means more available
blood, which means more nutrients get to the muscle,
which means more muscle growth!


If you've got a lesser-developed muscle on one side of
your body, give these training techniques a try. They
can help you rapidly even out differences between
your two sides.

And if you'd like more information on unique exercises
and training approaches for targeting your "hard-to-
develop" bodyparts, I've put together a complete
package of ALL my "Best Exercises" books
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Picking up this package deal also gives you LIFETIME
access to all my NEW Best Exercises books in the
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Check it out here...this page also gives you 13 FREE
sample exercises (plus videos) taken directly from the

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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