Subject: Your sleep position could be hurting you...

Most of us sleep 6-8 hours per day...that's 1/4 or more of our lives. 

Yet, sleep position is a very overlooked topic in health and our education system. 

There are pros and cons to each position:


Prone (lying on your belly):  

 pro:  we live in a forward-based world, always bending/reaching/grabbing things in front of us.  The end result is the front of our bodies become shorter, shoulders and mid-back rounded, and low back arched.  Sleeping on our bellies helps us stretch our mid-backs at night, ultimately taking pressure off the rest of the spine during the day.  You can place a pillow underneath your abdomen in order to avoid arching your low back all night while you're sleeping. 

 con:  it's difficult to find a good position for your head, and often times your neck is cranked and turned to one side or the other. 


Supine (lying on your back):  

 pro:  this is the best position for your shoulders, especially if you have pain related to your rotator cuff, biceps tendon, labrum, or capsule.  By sleeping on your back...with your head at the back of the pillow, so your shoulders are also'll reduce strain on your shoulders and neck.  

 con:  your spine continues to feel the force of gravity, which it feels all day.  This isn't the best way for joints in your spine to heal at night, and it also doesn't lead to a lot of mobility in your low back.


Sidelying (lying on your side):  

 pro:  great on your low back, especially with a pillow in between your knees, so your legs remain parallel.  Remember to have a neck pillow, or pillow doubled over for your head, so you're not reaching for the pillow by side-bending your neck.

 con:  the shoulder you're lying on is inevitably rounded forward and your arm ends up bearing your weight all night.  If your neck or hips aren't properly positioned, this can also be a lot of strain on your spine.  


If you sit all day, sleep position is even MORE important.  

Knowing which sleep position is best for you, based upon how your body feels and moves right now, is a great way to help you look and feel better.  In fact, it's also a great way to improve the quality of your sleep, your metabolism, and your energy for the day.

On this page, you'll learn about a muscle that is the most affected by sleep position, and if ignored, leads to pain, tightness, weakness, and anxiety. 

It's easy to fix, and it only takes about 15 minutes:  

This muscle can help you make AMAZING improvements to your quality of life.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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