Subject: Your "nutritional horoscope" for fat burning...

If you're eating the wrong food for your "nutritional horoscope," you could be unintentionally shooting yourself in the foot with every meal you eat.

It could be causing you digestive issues as well as pretty much bringing your fat loss to a screeching HALT.

According to Gary Watson, author of the "Fat Burning Fingerprint" program, there are three primary metabolic types...which read like your nutritional horoscope...

1. Type S - Carb Type

The S-Carb Type metabolism has a very slow oxidative system, and as a result is able to handle carbohydrates much more efficiently than a F-Protein Type or a M-Mixed Type. You tend not to overeat unless you have been eating too many starchy, high sugar producing carbs and have become insulin and leptin resistant.

You are generally satisfied with eating just a few times daily, as your body takes the energy from food and burns it at a much steadier pace than the other metabolic types do. However, because of this, you must be careful not to allow yourself to overextend the time in between meals, as we do not want you to push your body into a “semi-starvation” mode, which will decrease your metabolism. You also tend to rely on caffeine more than others, which in turn can weaken your
appetite even more.

In general, you require a nutrition plan that allows you to consume your macronutrients at an approximate ratio of 60% carbohydrates, 25% proteins, and 15% fats. This is because your body requires and handles carbohydrates better than any other metabolic type. However, as previously stated, it is important you are getting the right kinds of carbohydrates, or you also can crave the wrong foods and store your calories as fat.


2. Type F - Protein Type

You most likely have a strong appetite. You also can crave salty, fatty foods such as pizza, sausages, chips, roasted, and salted nuts. You most likely feel the need to eat frequently throughout
the day and skipping a meal can be tortuous for you.

Should you allow yourself to consume too many carbohydrates, especially starchy, high sugar producing carbs, you simply cannot just eat one cookie at a time. In fact, you can easily consume the whole batch of cookies, and then look for more similar carbs, as your fast metabolism craves the sugar.

Remember, you are fast oxidative and therefore metabolize the correct foods very quickly.

However, when given the wrong foods, such as "cautious" carbs, your body is forced to produce massive amounts of insulin to slow things down in your body, and as a result, you pack on layers and layers of body fat.

You also will get very irritable and have energy crashes after eating the wrong foods. You are very carb sensitive. You also find yourself hungry much more than most unless you feed yourself correctly. Three to four feedings a day is desired with the right kinds and amounts of foods.

Your macronutrient percentage requirements are approximately 40% Protein, 30% Fat, and 30% Carbohydrates.


3. Type M - Mixed Type

The M-Mixed Type metabolism has a very steady oxidative system that is not considered slow or fast. As a result, your metabolic type is able to handle carbohydrates much more efficiently than a F-Protein Type, but not as well as a S-Carb Type.

You tend not to overeat unless you have been abusing too many cautious carbs (starchy, high sugar producing) and have become insulin and leptin resistant. You are generally satisfied with eating just two to three times daily, as your body takes the energy from food and burns it at a faster pace than the S-Carb Type, but a slower pace than the F-Protein Type.

However, because of this, you must be careful not to allow yourself to overextend the time in between meals, as we do not want you to push your body into a “deprivation” mode, which could affect your metabolism. You also tend to be more sensitive to caffeine than most and should always try to have some protein, as protein will help to combat, to a degree, the adverse effects of caffeine for your nutritional metabolic type.

In general, you require a nutrition plan that allows you to consume your macronutrients at an approximate ratio of 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and 20% fats. This is because your body requires and handles a blend of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats better than any other metabolic type.


How Do You Determine What Your Type Is?

In his program, "The Fat Burning Fingerprint," Gary has a simple quiz that will tell you exactly what type you are, and what exactly to eat for optimal fat loss, based on your answers.


A Quick Heads Up First...

I'll be straight up honest with you...the program itself is very well put together and it's based on sound nutritional principles.

I think it's absolutely worth reading more about, especially if you've hit the wall on your fat loss efforts.

Gary is definitely an expert in the field.

However, the Fat Burning Fingerprint web page talks about the "fat burning fruit" and keeps you in suspense (both the video and "printed" options)... I'm not a fan of I'm going to tell you that the fruit is the avocado :).

It's HOW you use the avocado in your eating plan that can help you lose fat efficiently and effectively.

As well, if you've got a lot of experience with good nutrition, this program may not be a good fit for you. It's more geared for people who are really learning about their metabolism and what they should be eating more than people who already have a lot of knowledge about that.

It's also not really a program for bodybuilders, with the approach being more targeted for "weight loss" rather than getting shredded and building mass.

Don't let any of that stop you from checking it out, if you're interested, though.

Overall, "The Fat Burning Fingerprint" is a well-thought-out nutritional/diet program that can help you discover what your own, personal metabolism type is best targeted for and how you can USE that information to lose fat faster.

Check out the Fat Burning Fingerprint program here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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