Subject: Your last chance is TODAY...and Lean Hybrid Muscle FAQ

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

First off, if you haven't seen Mike Westerdal and Elliott Hulse's
new Lean Hybrid Muscle program, NOW is the time to check it out
and make your decision. At midnight tonight, the price will be
DOUBLE what it is right now.

Here's the link...


As I've mentioned in my previous emails, I think their program is
excellent. In terms of results, it will allow you to build
strength and muscle while dropping serious bodyfat, and that's a
tall order for most programs.

THIS program accomplishes that like clockwork using targeted
nutrition techniques and some very cool training methodologies
that focus on developing Type III "hybrid" muscles that burn
significantly more fat for energy (they explain it all in detail
on their website).

It's excellent stuff and well worth the price, especially now
that it's on a 50% launch special. Plus don't forget I'm kicking
in two of my own books..."The Best Fat Loss Exercises You've
Never Heard Of" and "The Best Core Strength Exercises You've
Never Heard Of."

When you pick up Lean Hybrid Muscle, just forward your receipt to and we'll send you the download link for
those two books. This offer is ONLY available when you grab it
through one of the links in this email.

(Just fyi, later this afternoon, I'm going to send you over a
couple of exercises from those two books so you can see the type
of info I'm kicking in - some very unique stuff to try that'll
get your metabolism roaring and develop rock-solid core





Since I've gotten a few questions about the program over the past
few days, I asked Mike and Elliott to give me answers.

Hopefully, these will address and concerns you might have about
the program and also, if you prefer to try the program before
paying the full price, the guys are offering a 2 week
full-version trial period of the program for just 10 bucks (just
click the "cancel" button when you close the main website page
and you'll see the offer there).

1. Do I need to have specialized equipment to do this program?

No, in fact if you have a basic gym membership you can do every
single one of these workouts.

2. Will I have a hard time doing this in a busy gym?

Well, in my experience most busy gyms have about 2 power racks
and they are ALWAYS available no matter how busy the gym is...
this is great because you can do your entire workout in one of
those free power racks!

3. Will this program work for women as well?

We didn't design it with women in mind, but we all know the
benefits of weight training for women, especially middle aged
ladies. We will be creating a program that speaks specifically to
women soon.

4. I'm 60+ years old. Is this program safe for me?

I'm not sure what kind of condition you are in but if you look at
our website and find the before and after pictures of a man named
Leon, he trains at my gym and is 58 years old... so it really
depends who you are, not how old you are.

5. Will this program improve my athletic performance while it
burns fat and build muscle?

While this program was not designed with any particular sport in
mind, I'm pretty sure that most athletes could benefit from
becoming stronger, leaner, faster, more mobile and conditioned...
wouldn't you agree?

6. Does this program tell me exactly what to eat? Do I need to
eat weird foods?

Yes. you are told exactly what to eat and when and if you don't
like my choice of foods there is an exchange list for you choose
your own... since I like to eat weird stuff :)

7. Do I need to take a bunch of fancy supplements to make this work?

No. The only supplement that I think may be of super importance
is BCAA's when you are fasting... but I had been fasting for
months before using it anyway... so you'll be fine without it.

8. How much time do the workouts take and how many days a week do I train?

Workouts are about 45 - 60 minutes. 3-6 days per week. every
phase is different.

9. Can I make this program work if I can only train 2 or 3 days a week?

3 days is cool... if you only train twice a week and get poor
results don't blame me :)

10. How soon will I start seeing results?

The very first time you do it! Your body responds instantly to
stimulus, so SOMETHING is happening as soon as you get rocking.
Will you get a six pack in one week... probably not, but you'll
be burning more fat and building muscle faster than you had ever

11. Are the exercises hard to learn?

For some people, yes. But these movements are very basic and
primal, so I would invite you to learn how to do them whether you
do my program or not.


That's all for now! Keep your eyes peeled for those exercises
I'll be sending over later on today.


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