Subject: Your Ab training could be making you LOOK FATTER...

Yep, very possibly...and it can happen even if you've got STRONG abs.

The problem is, having strong core muscles don't necessarily mean "well-functioning" core muscles that maintain "tone" when not being actively contracted.

Having a protruding abdomen (i.e. a "gut") is actually an issue I've come across frequently with a lot of VERY strong people...and even very LEAN people.

It might even be an issue that YOU have with your own stomach.

Poorly-functioning core muscles can contritbute to this and it's often NOT a matter how much fat you've got on your stomach.

... it could just be that your abs need "re-education" to help pull that bulge in.

(Granted, there could be a lot of fat there, too :). I can't rule that out...but that's not what I'm talking about here.)

You may have "inactive" core muscles... can make you look FATTER than you actually are. can cause nagging back pain due to poor postural support. can even prevent you from building muscle...your body does NOT want to build strength and mass on top of dysfunction and there is no single more important area than your core

So how do you FIX a "lazy" core and flatten that stomach? It's a simple process when you know how...

It's definitely not with crunches...

Heck, it's not even with the insane exercises that I show you...

You need core activation exercises that TEACH your core muscles how to properly fire in sequence. It's not just as simple as clenching your stomach muscles and suddenly your core is active and all your problems are solved.

You have DEEP muscles in your core that don't get automatically activated (such as the transverse abdominis).

It's THESE deep muscles that hold the REAL key to a solid, FLAT midsection that doesn't bulge out and aggravate your lower back pain.

And that's where Dr. James Vegher comes in ...he's one of the leading experts in the field of Neurologic Rehabilitation (a specialty branch of Physical Therapy)

James IS NOT your ordinary Physical Therapist. He’s developed a system of unconventional ab exercises that completely re-educate the muscles of your core, called "0-6 Pack Abs."

This is powerful stuff that has the potential to...

Flatten your stomach...
Shrink your waistline...
Fix your back pain...
Relieve your digestive issues,
Improve your posture...
And even help you build 6-pack abs!

These are exercises you can do at home OR in the gym...before training or completely outside of training...whatever fits your schedule.

Bottom line, if you've ever felt there was some key piece of the puzzle MISSING in your core training...THIS is that missing piece.

Find out and FIX what you've been missing in your core training here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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