Subject: Your 6-pack abs will HATE me for this one...

To really get your six-pack abs to pop, you need to work them with targeted resistance...endless crunches won't do the trick.

This exercise will work the six-pack abs in two ways at the same and bottom-up.

This one is going to really sneak up on don't really get a break at the top, so the tension is pretty well continuous on the rectus abdominis (six-pack).

You'll need a cable cross-over machine for this one (or two bands and places to hitch them so that you mimic the setup and execution) and two cable handles (having at least one cambered bar will make it easier to do).

Set up the handles on the low pulleys. Start with a moderate weight on the stacks the first time you do it, to get an idea of how it works. I like to hook a short length of chain to the one pulley that's going to be used with your lower body. This helps with getting into position, but is not necessary. Use the cambered bar here if you only have one.

Set the bar about halfway up your thighs, in between your legs.

Now crawl forward, which brings the weight stack up.

Keep going until you can reach the other bar on the other weight stack.

Grab that with an underhand grip then shift yourself back a little to get the upper body weight stack off the bottom. That's when the fun begins...

Make sure you keep a bend at the hips to anchor that lower body cable.

You're going to get constant tension from the top and bottom of the sheet of muscle that is your rectus abdominis. Then you're going to crunch yourself down into a ball.

Come down and in until you can't go any further. Hold and squeeze here for a few seconds.

Then come back to the start position.

Come forward just enough to get a good stretch on the abs, but not so much that you lose the bend at the hips. You want to keep the thighs perpendicular to the ground.

This one is absolutely brutal on the six-pack abs. The targeted, constant resistance you get is going to get you some serious development.

Aim for 6-8 reps per set. This one is all about don't want to go too light and do a ton of reps.

By the time you're done, your six-pack will be on FIRE.


Click here for 6 more insane core exercises for you to try.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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