Subject: You'll hate me for this exercise...but your deadlift will LOVE it...

If you want to build stronger hips and lower back for deadlifting, you're going to LOVE this one...or potentially hate it...and me.

The base exercise is a Split Kneeling Deadlift Lockout, where you get into a split squat position, lean forward, then lift the bar. This is a fantastic posterior chain exercise just on it's own.

Now, we'll add horizontal band resistance to give you even greater loading as you come to the upright position. This forces much stronger glute activation and contraction, while working the spinal erectors even harder.

It basically makes an awesome exercise even better...check it out here...

Horizontal Band Split Kneeling Deadlift Lockouts For Glute and Lower Back Strength Training start

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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